Construction World January 2015
buildings, Robinson advises that there are a few key factors to consider before starting the process of applying for permission overall to redevelop a heritage property: “Firstly, check out the status of the building before you make a final commitment to purchase. This will save you many problems if you understand the development restric- tions on the site. “Secondly, understand that heritage buildings can be altered and changed to accommodate new uses and needs, but you need to retain respect for the orig- inal building and its material. This is what adds value to the end product and makes it stand out from projects that are devel- oped from new. Thirdly, make use of appro- priately skilled professionals to assist your team when developing the plans for any heritage project.” The Twinell building lies across five erven and incorporates a 1920s Edwardian façade and a 1940s art deco façade.
“A vibrant working city cannot be frozen in time like a museum. By its very nature a city is dynamic and in a continuous state of transition and growth, particularly in the context of the developing world of which we are part.”
Touchstone House is a R200-million sectional title office development at the harbour end of Bree Street.
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