Construction World January 2020
D esigned as a showcase of innovation, the event gave a comprehensive overview of smart city technology, green building VROXWLRQV DQG HQHUJ\ HͦFLHQF\ DQG LQIUDVWUXFWXUH DQG KXPDQ FDSLWDO investment. Here the focus was buildings across the board, from hospitals to universities. “Our aim was to engage with important stakeholders in order to understand what is on their wish list in terms RI EHQHͤWLQJ WKHLU HQG XVHUV̹ $UFKLEDOG ) 0DNDWLQL *0 IRU VXE 6DKDUDQ $IULFD DW WKH -RKQVRQ &RQWURO 0($ KHDGTXDUWHUV LQ Isando, Johannesburg, says. Smart cities are not only about ‘bright shiny new buildings’, but must focus on developing infrastructure that caters to the overall needs of society, according to Makatini. Born in South Africa, 0DNDWLQL̵V \HDU FDUHHU ZLWK -RKQVRQ &RQWUROV KDV WDNHQ KLP IURP New York City to New Jersey, Hawaii, California, and now back to South Africa. “What brought me full circle was the opportunity. Africa is primed for infrastructure growth across the board.” Johnson Controls is ideally positioned to assist cities like Johannesburg revive their dilapidated building stock, as it grapples ZLWK D JURZLQJ GHͤFLW RI DIIRUGDEOH KRXVLQJ ̸$ ORW RI WKHVH EXLOGLQJV GR QRW HYHQ KDYH VLPSOH IXQFWLRQDOLW\ VXFK DV DLU FRQ :H DV D company can assist in turning Johannesburg around. We have the knowhow to turn those buildings into liveable environments.” A major issue faced by both national and local government level is its capacity for proactive maintenance, which is increasingly constrained by a lack of funding and the necessary technical skills.
“We have engaged with our partners in order to demonstrate our capabilities in terms of maintaining infrastructure and systems,” Makatini points out. Johnson Controls, known traditionally as an HVAC company, has subsequently moved away from its exclusive focus on chillers and DLU FRQ HTXLSPHQW WR FRPSOHWHO\ LQWHJUDWHG VPDUW EXLOGLQJ VROXWLRQV ̸,Q DGGLWLRQ WR RXU WHFKQRORJ\ DQG ORQJ WHUP 5 ' FRPPLWPHQW ZH are also an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM). This means we FDQ RIIHU D WXUQNH\ GHVLJQ DQG PDQXIDFWXUH FDSDELOLW\ JXDUDQWHHLQJ both performance and quality.” This places Johnson Controls in a unique position to respond to President Cyril Ramaphosa’s call for smart cities in his State of the Nation Address on 20 June. The President referred to his “dream of D 6RXWK $IULFD ZKHUH WKH ͤUVW HQWLUHO\ QHZ FLW\ EXLOW LQ WKH GHPRFUDWLF era rises, with skyscrapers, schools, universities, hospitals and factories … The city we build must demonstrate democratic spatial SODQQLQJ LW PXVW DOVR EH D VPDUW FLW\ DQG LOOXVWUDWH WKDW ZH DUH LQ WKH Fourth Industrial Revolution.” Makatini comments that the President’s comments are an acknowledgement of the enabling role that technology can play. “Technology is here to stay, and nothing can stop its progression. What is key is having the vision as to how it can enhance the lives of ordinary citizens.” Johnson Controls has an impeccable track record in this regard, counting the US government among its many global customers. 6RPH RI LWV ͥDJVKLS LQWHUQDWLRQDO projects include its work at
Archibald Makatini, GM for Sub-Saharan Africa at the Johnson Control MEA headquarters.
WKH +DUWVͤHOG -DFNVRQ $WODQWD International Airport, the busiest in the world. It collaborated with the facilities management department to introduce ‘smart’ technology into rubbish bins. Equipped with trash compactors to maximise their storage capacity, the bins communicate automatically
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