Construction World January 2020
excavating and loading jobs, but they can also travel at higher speeds in a wide range of applications. On the other hand, mini excavators are compact and lightweight to minimise track marks and top ground damage, especially in sensitive working areas. In terms of jobsite size, TLBs can travel easily across a jobsite to complete more than one task, and an extended line of work tools improves versatility. Meanwhile, mini excavators FDQ ͤW WKURXJK VPDOO JDWHV DQG around crowded sites to complete jobs in tight spaces, like occupied parking lots and indoor projects. With manoeuvrability in mind, the mini excavator is
more versatile in a lot of digging situations, but keep in mind that with a mini excavator comes a trailer and/or a truck to move it. The backhoe loader can be driven between sites. The future :KLOH WKH 7/% VWLOO RIIHUV DQ DUUD\ RI EHQHͤWV DQG VWLOO FRQWLQXHV WR HDUQ D VSRW LQ RSHUDWRUV̵ ͥHHWV WKHUH LV JHQHUDO FRQVHQVXV WKDW WKH compact excavator is fast growing as a tool of preference on South African sites. &XVWRPHUV DUH EHQHͤWWLQJ IURP WKH YHUVDWLOLW\ RI VPDOO H[FDYDWRUV RQ VLWHV DQG LQFUHDVHG SURGXFWLYLW\ 7R JLYH DQ LGHD PLG VL]HG XQLWV VXFK DV WKH WRQQH .XERWD .; DUH WDNLQJ WUHQFKLQJ ZRUN DZD\ IURP WKH WULHG DQG WHVWHG 7/% DQG ZH EHOLHYH WKDW LW̵V RQO\ D PDWWHU of time before the compact excavator becomes the prime tool of choice considering the comparative production speeds. While the TLB continues to hold a sizeable share of the market, the next big thing may be the compact excavators. The market is JURZLQJ VLJQLͤFDQWO\ DFFRXQWLQJ IRU D ZKRSSLQJ XQLWV D \HDU JOREDOO\ ,Q 6RXWK $IULFD WKH PDUNHW LV VWLOO DSSUR[LPDWHO\ 140 units strong, with model ranges varying in size and capacity. We believe the compact excavator sector is the only market currently showing some type of opportunity for growth although the total volume is not the biggest in the compact machinery sector. There are application opportunities in plumbing, electrical and telecommunication, as well as in the specialised agricultural sector. At Smith Power, as demonstrated by our focus on compact machines in for many years, believe that the future is compact supplying both compact excavators and TLBs to the market. However, we don’t necessarily believe that the compact excavator will entirely UHSODFH WKH 7/% 7KH WZR VROXWLRQV ZLOO FR H[LVW WRJHWKHU ,W MXVW depends on what you are doing, where you are doing it and how much space you have.
T KH HYHU JURZLQJ WUHQG WRZDUGV VPDOOHU FRQVWUXFWLRQ HTXLSPHQW is at this point anchored by mature markets, where about 70% of total equipment sales are driven by compact ranges. In Africa, WKH RSSRVLWH LV WUXH RI PDFKLQHV VROG DUH VWLOO KHDY\ UDQJHV However, there is a gradual growth of smaller machines in Africa. A few years back, the local sales ratio was a single compact unit IRU HYHU\ KHDY\ PDFKLQHV W SOXV ,Q (XURSH LW ZDV WKH H[DFW RSSRVLWH FRPSDFW XQLWV IRU HYHU\ VLQJOH ODUJH H[FDYDWRU VROG We are slowly moving towards the European ratio and we believe the potential is massive for compact excavators and compact equipment at large. We would all agree that generally the TLB has for years been the trusted solution for the industry, accounting for a sizeable chunk of the total equipment sales in South Africa. This machine is by far the ‘bread and butter’ line in the construction and plant hire industries. The versatility of the TLB has made it a machine of choice on construction sites where applications call for digging and loading of material. While the TLB has long been a staple on many job sites, in recent years, more contractors are opting for a mini excavator instead. Both PDFKLQHV KDYH WKHLU RZQ EHQHͤWV EXW XQGHUVWDQGLQJ \RXU MREVLWH applications is the key to making the right decision for your job. Ask the right questions It is very important to ask the right questions because these two machines differ greatly in versatility, mobility and transportability. Be sure to assess the pros and cons before you make that important buying decision. The three key questions to ask yourself should relate to the right machine for the application at hand, the size of the jobsite and the distance between sites, among other considerations. Backhoe loaders can perform not only trenching, lifting,
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