Construction World January 2023
Reduce concrete cracking and curling
CHRYSO ® Serenis
Cracks canweaken concrete, compromise its durability and allow ingress of corrosive elements. CHRYSO asserts that its ready-to-use shrinkage-reducing admixture for concrete andmortars, CHRYSO ® Serenis can reduce shrinkage by up to 80%. CHRYSO ® Serenis: Reduces capillary tensions and does not have a spreading effect. Does not modify the water demand of concrete, nor impact the water/cement ratio. Is compatible with plasticisers and superplasticisers .
CHRYSOHead office - 26 MalcolmMoodie Crescent, Jet Park. - SOUTH AFRICA | T : +27 (0)11 395 9700 | W : +27 (0)11 395 9700
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