Construction World January 2024

generated by the machine and improves the air quality and visibility for the operator and the crew. The machine also has a rear object detection system, which stops the machine if a person or object is behind it while it is in reverse. This system prevents accidents and injuries caused by the machine's blind spots. “The Roadtec RX600ex milling machine is a state-of-the-art machine that offers many benefits and features for asphalt milling projects. It is powerful, versatile, efficient and safe. It can handle a wide range of cutting depths and widths. It is also light and manoeuvrable, with innovative systems that automate and enhance its performance. The Roadtec RX600ex is a machine that can deliver high-quality results and customer satisfaction,” Saunders concludes. 

ABOUT ASTEC Since 1972, Astec has been connecting communities by providing innovative rock to road solutions for our customers. United by our purpose - Built to Connect - Astec is a leading global manufacturer of specialised equipment for asphalt road building, aggregate processing and concrete production. Operations are divided into two primary business segments: Infrastructure Solutions includes road building, asphalt and concrete plants, thermal and storage solutions. Material Solutions includes aggregate and other material processing solutions. For more information, visit and follow us on social media.

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