Construction World July 2016
Erected in two phases, first the piling then the actual construction of the building, certain requirements presented a number of chal- lenges. For example, the distribution centre needed to be operational long before the offices were completed which meant ensuring that people working in the distribution centre were safe while it was still a construction site. And, fire prevention requirements were onerous. Large underground water storage tanks were required and fire escape routes had to run from the roof to the ground floor, serving the offices and the distribution centre. Sustainable elements It has a number of noteworthy green elements which were incorporated into the design according to Emmett. “The building faces south which is the correct orientation to ensure that the sun does not shine directly into the front façade. On the east-side decorative fins have been designed to deflect the morning sun which has a significantly beneficial effect on the air conditioning running costs.” The twelve 7 650 mm x 1 250 mm aluminium fins were a collaborative effort between Emmett Architects and Bernice Rumble from Land Art Studio. Rumble devel- oped the design of an ocean wave which was used and briefed the aluminium manufac- turer using the perforation options which they’d provided. Emmett Architects detailed all the technical fixings.
Other green elements include a rear north facing wall which has been designed as a green wall with mesh panels on which creepers will be encouraged to grow. And, the decking is recycled plastic with a mainte- nance free lifespan of more than 15 years. And, with the building being Universal Access compliant, The Lion Match Compa- ny’s new headquarters are designed to be aesthetically pleasing as well as usable to the greatest extent possible by everyone, regard- less of their age or ability. With decks that wrap around each floor and clear view fencing around the north east fire escape stairwell the spectacular harbour views have been well accommodated and maximised. And, the roof garden which is seen as a definite usable area has been designed to be a well-considered space to look over the neighbouring buildings and 360 degree view. Astro turf, glass balustrades and attractive paving all contribute to making the roof a desirable space. Facilities include: nine paraplegic toilets, one on the ground floor and two on the other four levels; two prayer rooms (one each for men and women); a kitchens and toilets on each floor; three boardrooms, half a dozen meeting rooms, conference and a private gym for staff. “We have created a home for The Lion Match Company for a long time to come, which adequately takes care of its long term vision for growth,” said Abdoola.
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