Construction World July 2018
NZASM Footsteps along the tracks • Nicholas J Clark & Roger Fischer assisted by Siphiwe Simelane, University of Pretoria. This research deals with, essentially, the rail infrastructure built by the Nederlandsche Zuid-Af- rikaanse Spoorweg-Maatschappij in the former Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek over a period of 13 years. This work was undertaken with the mate- rial support from the Dutch Government and by staff and students from the Department of Architecture of the University of Pretoria. It fol- lows on from their important and respected pub- lication called; Eclectic Wilhelmiens. Collectively these two publications form an intellectual unity that have created a trusted source of knowledge that did not exist before in this form. What is also noteworthy regarding this excel- lent research project is how much we can all learn from it to understand our current infrastructural position and that which might come in future.
SASOL Place • Paragon Architects, Johannesburg.
To understand something of the nature and magnitude of a building like SASOL Place, it is important to look briefly at the history of the company as well as the historical development of the urban context where the build- ing has been placed. Before this building was constructed, the company operated from 14 different buildings, situated mainly in Rosebank in Johannesburg. Furthermore, the building needed to be energy efficient, be able to accommodate around 7 500 staff and, above all, to create a physical symbol for the ‘home’ of SASOL as company. In the SASOL Place Building there is a thoughtful and careful expression of form and function in a relatively uncontrolled urban context that portrays a deep and sensible knowledge and professionalism. It might just be that the multi-national conglomerate, SASOL, has finally found itself a ‘home’ from where it could now approach the future. If anything expresses South African intellectual and corporate ingenuity on the world stage it might also just be this building as the new symbol for SASOL.
The Lake House • Koop Design, Richard Stretton (KwaZulu-Natal Institute for Architects) Buildings like Lake House require dedication and attention to detail. This building is set in the idyllic and undulating hills of the Midlands of KwaZulu-Natal, next to a small lake. The plan and section of the building is generous and deceptively simple and direct. The hands of the various levels of craftspeople who made the building are clearly visible and so is the pride in their handiwork. Lake House is masterful in its relaxed simplicity. A simplicity that only the highly talented and dedicated can achieve.
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