Construction World July 2021
and vertical applications. Its excellent workability and adjustable consistency make it a very easy to use product. For the minor defects, such as restoring edges and joints, Sika MonoTop®-620 was used. Sika MonoTop®-610, a bonding primer, was applied for protection against corrosion, and finally, Sikagard®-550 W Elastic was over-coated on all the MonoTop® products to ensure no future cracks occur. Structural strengthening When an existing concrete structure deteriorates, or alteration to the structure is made, due diligence must be given to structural strengthening. The durability of the building can be better ensured post repair, such was the case on this project. Parts of the building, like the lift shafts and machine base plates, required recasting with Sika’s high strength grout, SikaGrout®-212. For the actual structural strengthening, Sika® CarboDur ® S-512 carbon fibre plates were bonded onto the external structure using Sikadur ®-30 epoxy as its structural adhesive. Sika® CarboDur ® S-512 carbon fibre plates are non-corroding, has a tensile strength of 10 times that of mild steel, all of which will ensure the building to stand the test of time. As with any project, this one was not free of challenges. Two key factors to deal with were the high moisture content, and the COVID-19 lockdown delays, implemented in March 2020. However, delay does not equate denial, so the project was still completed in good time. Anthony Webster, Sika’s Technical Sales Consultant, was responsible for this project and he exceeded the call of duty. By communicating constantly with Sika’s clients, and providing regular on-site training, he ensured a high calibre of customer service to back the products. Sika has more than 100 years of experience on both large and smal l concrete projects, al l over the world. Wi th i ts wide range of innovat ive and job- speci f ic products, and a dedicated team to back them, this project was not too di f f icul t to execute. This combinat ion of experience, product and support , elevates Sika above the rest .
The heri tage value of this bui lding façade at 16 on Bree Street was retained, and i t blends seamlessly wi th i ts surrounds. Any visi tor to Cape Town would not be disappointed wi th a quick stop to admi re 16 on Bree.
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