Construction World July 2021
With its new mobile cone crusher MOBICONE MCO 90(i) EVO2, Kleemann has created the perfect supplement to the jaw crushing plant MOBICAT MC 110(i) EVO2. The innovative cone crusher scores with high economy, intelligent control engineering and top product quality.
Innovative ideas for higher productivity Wi th innovat ive new developments instal led in the robust MOBICONE MCO 90( i ) EVO2, Kleemann of fers i ts users f rom quarr ying and contract ing companies decisive qual i ty advantages on a typical workday. During dai ly work in medium-hard to hard stone – mainly in the 2 nd or 3 rd crushing stage – cone crushers of ten work close to thei r load l imi ts. Wi th a maximum feed capaci ty of up to 270 t /h, the new cone crusher MCO 90( i ) EVO2 demonstrates i ts strengths and guarantees more operat ional rel iabi l i ty and high plant avai labi l i ty. Simple transportabi l i ty wi th f requent ly changing job si tes and the wide appl icat ion range are also convincing arguments for the MOBICONE MCO 90( i ) EVO2 f rom Kleemann. Thanks to the improved diesel -di rect drive concept , the MOBICONE MCO 90( i ) EVO2 achieves ver y good consumpt ion values and thus works ver y ef f icient ly. The conveyor bel ts are driven electrical ly. The CFS (Cont inuous Feed System) uses a probe to moni tor the crusher level and thus regulates the material supply such that an opt imum volume is always loaded. This guarantees the best possible crusher feed and thus also ver y high material qual i ty. Focus on improved operability The operat ion of crushing plants is becoming more and more sophist icated. For i ts brand-new crushing plants in the EVO2 generat ion, Kleemann developed an intel l igent control concept that considerably simpl i f ies operat ion. Wi th SPECTIVE, the company has raised the bar for user inter faces in the sector even more. This operat ing concept has an intui t ive structure and revolut ionises plant operat ion wi th i ts extensive features. The 12" touch panel has been opt imised wi th regard to user guidance and visual isat ion. Furthermore, new components such as a large and smal l radio remote control have been integrated into the SPECTIVE world. The new digi tal solut ion SPECTIVE CONNECT sends al l important plant data to the smartphone. This means: Efficient crusher direct drive and continuous crushing processes less downt ime, higher product ivi ty and more revenue. Cone crushers for a wide range of applications The MOBICONE MCO 90( i ) EVO2 is designed for a high crushing capaci ty. Wi th i ts crushing tools, the cone crusher covers a wide gap range of 6-45 mm, al lowing i t to be used f lexibly. The improved crushing tools wi th geometries opt imised for the respect ive appl icat ion, contribute both to the material qual i ty as wel l as the plant output . Al l crushing gap widths are set convenient ly via the radio remote control .
This does not requi re further conversion work . Even when i t comes to smal ler detai ls, Kleemann always has the focus on funct ional i ty and work faci l i tat ion. Whether this involves addi t ional maintenance openings, standardisat ion of the clamping wedge posi t ion for crushing tools or the automat ic posi t ioning of the inlet hopper during a tool change. Overload systems prevent downtimes and increase the product quality Equipped wi th an intel l igent and thus ver y ef fect ive overload system, safety and stable processes can be guaranteed even under di f f icul t condi t ions. The 'Tramp Release System' provides protect ion wi th uncrushable materials such as wood or metal . Even more important for cont inuous product ion is the overload detect ion ( 'Ringbounce Detect ion' ) . This sof tware-supported overload system has two modes that give users a choice as to whether the focus is more on product qual i ty ( 'Precise Mode' ) or product volume ( 'Mixture Mode' ) .
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