Construction World June 2016

Greenmined Environmental has a solid track record underpinned by the depth that resides within its team.

solutions to the mineral resources and energy sectors in South Africa. “Our major differentiator is that we have a comprehensive understanding of the duties as well as the rights of the applicant or licence holder, and this proficiency of knowledge enables our team to cut through any unneces- sary time wastage that could occur,” Smit says. Furthermore, Greenmined Environmental has sound relationships with the relevant

government departments and these are of great value to its client base, enabling this specialist environmental consultancy to obtain the necessary authorisations in the shortest possible time. Other market differentiators that the consultancy offers are immediate access to its in-house legal advisor who assists with the processes according to the legislative time frame and its occupational hygienist who is

able to implement occupation hygiene moni- toring programmes applicable to specific sites. “Time is always of the essence when dealing with applications such as these, especially when hold ups can impact on a project’s production schedule, and this is why we believe we are seeing an increase in crushing and screening operators making use of our services for these applications,” Smit concludes.



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