Construction World June 2017
plaza, providing ample scope for both the consulting engineer and civil contractor, G4 Civils, to refine operations and achieve a desired production rate over the duration of the project. The Stormvoël plaza was next. Located in a built-up urban area, it required extensive rerouting of both vehicles and pedestrians. The relocation of the many services, including water reticulation, optic-fibre cable networks and traffic lights, as well as other temporary and permanent road signs, added another level of complexity to the project. Ngqumshe says most of these challenges were overcome by an extremely proactive approach taken by JG Afrika and G4 Civils, prior to mobilising to site. This was complemented by excellent team dynamics between both parties right from the outset. “G4 Civils is an extremely competent contractor with a solid track record in road construction, which was a major advantage for us. However, we left nothing to chance. All participants in the professional team
were very aware of the need to plan well in advance and work together to overcome any contingencies to the benefit of the client,” he says. Pumulani and Doornpoort toll plazas were next in line and these are due for completion in March 2017. These two are followed by the Brits and Marikana facilities, with the entire project scheduled for completion in October 2017. All the new Plazas comprise a 300 milli- metre-thick concrete pavement supported by stabilised layers, while structural work was required to also extend the existing toll plaza canopies. This is over-and-above the work required to install the new signage and signalling as part of the overall work scope. The only delays are as a result of the recent heavy rainfall, reflecting the efficien- cies of the professional teams on site, and Ngqumshe is just as pleased by the impres- sive safety levels maintained throughout the programme, with no major incidences, or loss time injuries reported, to date.
This is a significant achievement consider- ing that the extensions were undertaken in operational areas, where impatient driving behaviour and pedestrian movement along- side the highways were major risks that had to be thoroughly managed. He says that successes in this regard can largely be attributed to the professional team, G4 Civils, as well as Bakwena’s emphasis on safety. “Health and safety have always been paramount for JG Afrika and G4 Civils, and our client insisted on this – even if it was at the expense of production. Bakwena was well aware of the challenges that we would encounter in this regard and were, therefore, more than willing to accommodate any of our suggestions to ensure a safer site,” says Ngqumshe. With a just a few months left before this project is completed, he believes that it will be another milestone in the firm’s long legacy in transport infrastructure, as well as its close affiliation with both SANRAL and Bakwena.
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