Construction World June 2021

enable it to seal minute cracks, prevent water ingress beyond the surface and stop salt-efflorescence problems caused by capillary moisture reaching the surface. A treated substrate will remain fully breathable and have excellent resistance to freeze-thaw damage. Under wet conditions its thermal resistance is maximised, improving the energy efficiency of a building. Our unique formulation can be added when mixing concrete or plaster and be added to the water thereby ensuring a homogenous seamless matrix within the cured product which will remain Super- Hydrophobic as well as preventing blooming of soluble salts.

pores, where only small molecules can penetrate, and filler materials can't go. It densifies the concrete structure, without increasing its weight and further minimises air penetration. When added to a cement/concrete mix, its role is to bring in an additional factor – flexural strength (twist/flex). The 'flex' sites created by the materials, are designated to enable concrete to better withstand tensile strain, in circumstances like: • Earth movement (earthquakes) • Weather elements (hurricanes, strong tidal waves/currents) • Ravages of time (climate & human-induced degradation.) ▄

NannoCRETE is also suitable for reducing permeability in foundations, concrete tanks, reservoirs, sewerage works, cellars, basement walls and floors, garage pits, walls and precast stone. It can be added to the manufacturing of cement and paving bricks for extra water resistance. NANNOCRETE FLEX This exciting new unique product is singular in the nanomaterial market and the first of its kind. It consists of atomically-thin two-dimensional (2D) nano-sheet materials, similar in morphology to graphene but chemically different. Despite being atomically thin, the material spans several microns in size. This structure confers an ultrahigh surface area, significantly boosting the reactivity and performance of the material. NannoCRETE FLEX is another additive which is effective, by slipping between cracks and



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