Construction World June 2022

of 5 000 – 20 000 ℓ . The Maxi-range is aimed at large scale water storage projects, with typical appl ication in industrial water storage such as fire tanks and mass rural water supply schemes. The tanks are transported in pre-rolled segments, thus allowing for compact transport and easy off loading. They are erected on concrete ring beam foundations and require reasonably simple earthworks before erection. Erection is done with a strake l ifting system that requires no cranage. This all adds up to a very economical total cost per cubic metre water storage. Structa has well trained teams available to install the Maxi range.

The Midi-range fills a gap not covered by typical moulded plastic tanks and would find good appl ication where users need storage between 5 000 and 20 000 ℓ , often on stands to provide distribution pressure. Structa is particularly excited about this size range as it would find excellent appl ication in schools, cl inics and small rural water storage. These tanks are transported in segments and can be assembled on top of stands if required. This el iminates usage of cranes in difficult rural appl ications. Structa suppl ies package systems of tanks and stands, ready for assembly, even by the user. Prestank Structa’s 40-year-old flagship brand namely Prestank has over the years proven itself as a hygienically safe, cost effective and rel iable way to store water for communities, commercial sectors, private sectors and even for personal ised storage. Structa’s Prestank Water Storage Tank is the ideal water storage solution for volumes from 10 000 ℓ and above, especially on elevated stands.

Circotank Structa Technology has now

developed an even more economical but robust round galvanised steel tank range. The range, branded as Circotank, is manufactured from galvanised steel sheet cold rolled with a stiffening profile. A zincal version is currently being tested for appl ication in corrosive areas. The tanks util ise a PVC l iner which hugely improves Liner replacement is possible thus resulting in ease of maintenance and longevity. Circotank is offered in two size ranges, being a Maxi-range covering tank sizes of 100 000 ℓ up to 1,5 mill ion ℓ and a Midi range covering a very user-friendly range the speed and qual ity of build, resulting in a rel iable product.


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