This osmotic cementitious mortar
has an array of applications that
range from underground masonries
to swimming pools to irrigation
channels. It has been developed to coat
concrete surfaces, come into contact with
drinking water, waterproof masonry and
concrete structures, and assures complete
moisture control alongside easy application
and implementation.
Planiseal 88 is a one-component osmotic
mortar that is comprised of a cement-based
compound, selected graded aggregates and
special synthetic resins. It was created in the
Mapei Research and Development Labora-
tories to a precise formula to provide clients
with complete reliability, control and applica-
tion fluidity. It is also compliant with the EN
1504-9 specifications and the requirements
of EN 1504-2 coating according to the MC and
IR principles. The performances included
water vapour permeability at Class 1, capil-
lary absorption and permeability to water
at < 0,1 kg*m-2*h-0,5, reaction to fire at
Class E and adhesion strength by pull-off test
at ≥ 2,0 N/mm
“The performance of Planiseal 88 is
compliant with regulations and EU stand-
ards and comes with the Mapei South Africa
seal of surety,” says Paul Nieuwoudt, Mapei
South Africa’s product manager for building
systems. “The range has impressive scope
with the ability to repair underground mason-
ries in situations where there is negative
pressure up to one atmosphere as well as
waterproof basins, reservoirs, concrete or
masonry tanks that contain drinking water.”
The applications also include the ability
to waterproof concrete or masonry tanks
that contain sewage water, interior and
exterior cellar walls, damp areas, lift rooms,
underground passages and foundation walls.
Planiseal 88 is a truly versatile solution for the
market and comes in two colours, white and
grey, for even more application options.
The product is mixed with water to
become a fluid mortar that is easily applied
by trowel, brush or spray. Its adhesion rate
is exceptional, clinging to the substrate for a
comprehensive waterproofing solution even
under negative pressure. For correct applica-
tion and blending, Planiseal 88 must use the
correct amount of water and the surface state
must adhere to specific guidelines. Excessive
condensation, standing water or surfaces
undergoing dynamic stresses should be
avoided or repaired prior to application.
To be assured of a seamless result,
Planiseal 88 comes with in-depth instructions
on how to apply using a brush, trowel or
spray, each method requiring its own meth-
odology to assure of complete coverage and
perfect results.
“We are completely focused on creating
solutions that are reliable, efficient and
long lasting,” concludes Nieuwoudt. “Our
continued research and development ensures
that our products are world-class, environ-
mentally aware and deliver optimal protec-
tion for concrete structures. Planiseal 88 is
no exception and not only does it deliver the
highest quality of waterproofing reliability,
but we are on hand to provide support and
guidance when needed.”
cementitious mortar
Mapei South Africa is known for its impressive range of
waterproofing products and solutions, not least of which
being Planiseal 88, formerly known as Idrosilex Pronto, a
mortar with comprehensive waterproofing capabilities.
Ideal for use on any concrete surfaces which
comes into contact with water.
About Mapei South Africa
Mapei South Africa is part of the Mapei
Group, an Italian-based multinational
that is a leading manufacturer of
chemical and adhesive products for
the construction industry. As part of
the multinational group, Mapei South
Africa passes numerous benefits
onto its client base by having access
to knowledgeable technical experts,
research capabilities and product
specialists. Mapei South Africa
distributes its products throughout
sub-Saharan Africa.
Planiseal 88 applied by brush to
concrete surface.
Planiseal 88 can be sprayed applied
where needed.