to an already high unemployment rate as the economy slows.
The South Durban Basin, in which the Clairwood Logistics and
Distribution Park falls, is a national economic hub which consists of an
industrial area interspersed with a residential population. The basin is
bordered by major transport linkages. Market research has indicated
that both national and international businesses have a desperate need
for modern logistics facilities in close proximity to both the existing port
and the proposed Durban Dig Out Port.
The Clairwood Logistics Park site is strategically located and is the
last remaining flat land available for development in South Durban. It is
just 11,2 kilometres from the existing container terminal entrance and
3,5 kilometres from the site set aside for the Durban Dig Out port.
An efficient logistics and distribution facility close to the port is
expected to minimise road traffic to congested areas to the north of the
city as well as inland areas such as Hammarsdale.
The EA noted that, due to the previous lack of flat land for develop-
ment that was large enough to accommodate modern logistics facilities,
a clear need existed for a development of this nature. It explained that
basic supply and demand market forces in co-operation with other macro
factors had created quantifiable need for a development of this nature.
The Clairwood Industrial Park and Logistics Centre will significantly
increase the eThekwini municipal rates base in the area once fully
developed whilst also significantly increasing Durban’s contribution to
KwaZulu-Natal’s gross domestic product.
The R3,5-billion to be invested in developing the site includes
R110-million that will be spent on extensive upgrades of roads and
infrastructure surrounding the facility. “This will not only improve traffic
flow into and out of the site but will ease overall traffic flow in the area
and significantly improve road safety, especially for learners attending
schools close to the site,” said Prinsloo.
To date, Fortress Income Fund has invested R3,8-million in
schools close to the Clairwood Logistics Park site through the Siyakha
Education Trust.
Clairwood Logistics Park given the
Construction of the R3,5-billion Clairwood
Logistics Park will begin within the first
quarter of 2016, creating much needed
employment and business opportunities
within the South Durban Basin.
KwaZulu-Natal’s MEC of Economic Development, Tourism
and Environmental Affairs, Michael Mabuyakhulu, recently
gave the project the go ahead after his department found
that the amended Environmental Impact Report (EIR)
received from the Capital Property Fund in September 2014 complied
with stringent regulations and adequately addressed concerns raised
during an appeal.
It found that public participation process followed in the EIA
process was more than compliant with EIA regulations and it outlined
stringent parameters for development in response to objections raised.
As a result, appeals lodged in response to the environmental authorisa-
tion granted in May 2015 were dismissed and the original decision
was upheld.
The Clairwood Logistics Park will be located on the site of the
former Clairwood Race Course which was purchased by the then Capital
Property Fund in 2012 for R430-million. Fortress Income Fund intends
developing approximately 350 000 square metres of warehousing with
the remainder becoming paved yards to service the facilities.
The development will also include an eight hectare wetland which
will be fully rehabilitated.
The EA (environmental authorisation) released by the provincial
government recently has reduced the area for development of the site
and has spelt out how Fortress Income Fund must proceed with both
construction and rehabilitation of the site in order to create a sustain-
able wetland area and incorporate indigenous fauna and flora.
“The Clairwood Logistics Park will not only meet growing demand
for A grade logistics and distribution facilities in the south of Durban,
but also improve the livelihoods of surrounding communities through
job creation,” said Nico Prinsloo the Fortress Income Fund’s develop-
ment manager.
The new facility is expected to create an estimated 18 900 jobs
during the four year construction period and more than 4 600 perma-
nent jobs after completion in December 2020. The development comes
at a time when South Africa is facing significant job losses that will add
Fortress Income Fund, South Africa’s third largest property fund,
is listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange. It has a portfolio of
retail, commercial and industrial properties across the country.
At the end of 2015, Fortress Income Fund was recognised as the top
company in the
Sunday Times
Top 100 companies list. This tracks
the best performing businesses listed on the Johannesburg Secu-
rities Exchange over a five year horizon. This is the first time that a
property company has won the award.