Construction World March 2020


V&AWATERFRONT’S NEWEST DEVELOPMENT PROJECT Cape Town’s V&A Waterfront has announced its newest development project, a commercial building named The Ridge.

D avid Green, the CEO of the V&A Waterfront, believes that developers who understand and respond to the needs of building occupants are practicing leadership for the future. “A vital part of the circular economy is the focus on people. This building seeks to create an unparalleled internal environment with the highest level of natural light and fresh air. “The Ridge effectively offers an oasis in the city. Inhabitants will enjoy its inspiring views, its inner green spaces, including a ground breaking ‘central street’ concept naturally ventilated with fresh air, EUHDNDZD\ ]RQHV DQG D UHͥHFWLYH HQYLURQPHQW “The Ridge is the opposite of conventional city buildings which are dominated by concrete and glass. Its pioneering timber façade DQG PL[HG PRGH QDWXUDO YHQWLODWLRQ PHFKDQLFDO V\VWHPV DUH ͤUVWV for South Africa. ̸7KH 5LGJH UHSUHVHQWV WKH FRQͤGHQFH WKDW RXU FRPSDQ\ DQG LWV shareholders have in the future of Cape Town as a destination for EXVLQHVV ,W DOVR UHSUHVHQWV RXU FRQͤGHQFH LQ 6RXWK $IULFD LWVHOI ̹ The new 8 500 m 2 building follows a string of bespoke

developments in the iconic 123 ha waterfront, which to date holds the honour of being South Africa’s most visited destination. ̸:LWK D QXPEHU RI DFFODLPHG RͦFH GHYHORSPHQWV LQ WKH EDJ WKLV QHZ SURMHFW ͤUPO\ SODFHV WKH 9 $ :DWHUIURQW LQ WKH IRUHIURQW RI South Africa’s most prestigious business addresses. ̸7KH 9 $ :DWHUIURQW̵V HWKLFDO GHYHORSPHQW DSSURDFK GHͤQHV WKH master planning for the Ridge, focusing on sustainability and care for the people who will use the building. We call this ‘Our Normal’, a vision and approach setting the tone for sustainable green building, guiding our planning and development strategies. “Developments we have already undertaken along these lines include the Silo District, including a number of Green Building Council of SA (GBCSA) Green Star-rated buildings, as well as the world acclaimed Zeitz MOCAA and The Silo Hotel projects. “The Ridge should receive a high Green Star rating by the GBCSA, strongly signalling our intent to be a sustainable and client-centric place for leading international and South African corporate tenants. Such clients want a prestigious business address along



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