Construction World May 2015
Images © David Adjaye Associates
About Propertuity Propertuity isn’t your conventional prop- erty-development company. Using a combination of architecture, art, design and culture, these curators of lifestyle re-energise degenerated neighbour- hoods. Propertuity has its headquarters in Johannesburg and a staff of 33, over- seen by founder and CEO Jonathan Lieb- mann, chief operations officer Neville Bear, and financial director Ricky Luntz. Funding partners include Nedbank (with loan agreements in excess of R100-mil- lion between both entities), the TUHF Group of Companies (which focus on urban regeneration, BEE and sustainable business ventures) and Futuregrowth (a specialist investment company that manages investments in to sustainably enrich the lives of all). Maboneng Precinct. By 2013, the Propertu- ity’s Maboneng Precinct portfolio encom- passed 40 buildings. Ken Reynolds, regional executive of Nedbank Corporate Property Finance, which is funding the project, says: “The funding illustrates our commitment to the regener- ation of South Africa’s urban environments,
which we believe Propertuity has achieved admirably through its Maboneng Precinct, and we have no doubt that Hallmark House will add value to the precinct.” The Hallmark House project is being managed to global standards by consulting engineers ARUP, and MACE Group are the project managers.
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