Construction World May 2015
COMMITMENT to 75 years in Africa
From humble beginnings in February 1940 as a small comp any specialising in the sale of electric cap lamps to South African mining operations, MSA Africa is today recognised as the continent’s leading health and safety equipment supplier in terms product quality and sales volumes. MSA Africa currently boasts a workforce of more than 100 administrative and manufacturing employees at its Johannesburg-based headquarters, with a geographical footprint that spans 45 countries in Africa.
MSA Africa managing director, Colin Oliver.
a number of groundbreaking innovations designed to dramatically improve visibility and personal safety for South African under- ground miners. A major feature is that it enhances the miner's ability to more effec- tively detect cracks on hanging walls, which usually represent signs of ground falls and roof collapse.
MSA Africa is the second-oldest MSA division. The USA head office celebrated its 100 th anniversary last year in recognition of the
comes. As a result, MSA Africa will continue to experience good business in mining and will be ready to benefit from increased mining activity when the commodity pricing cycle improves.” As part of its 75 th anniver- sary celebrations, MSA Africa is showcasing the following innovations: Gravity suspension harness A major breakthrough in fall protection is the new gravity suspension harness, being launched locally by MSA Africa. The Gravity suspension harness is avail- able in a ‘Premium’ and a ‘Light’ version, and is suitable for use in a variety of applica- tions that require fall protection, including; rope access, first responder rescue, telecom- munications, oil and gas, wind energy and general industry. PremAire Escape EEBD The patented PremAire Escape is designed to withstand high levels of industrial gas leaks, in harsh chemical environments such as hydrogen sulphide (H2S). The major components of this device have undergone critically high H2S concentration testing by a third party. Despite concentrations exceeding 25%, the permeation detected remained minimal. PremAire Combination Airline/Escape EEBD Another innovative EEBD being launched locally in the near future by MSA Africa is the PremAire Combination Airline/Escape. The core component of the PremAire Combina- tion is the unique combination valve design. It combines the first stage pressure reducer, cylinder valve and cylinder gauge within one assembly – creating a small size and profile less likely to snag in confined spaces. Luminator cap lamp Launched locally in mid-2014, the Lumi- nator cap lamp sets itself apart from all other cap lamps in the world, as it features
company founder John T Ryan working closely with world-renowned inventor Thomas Edison to create the electric cap lamp as a replacement for the dangerous open flame lamp. Over the next 25 years, mine explosions would be dramatically reduced by 75%. MSA Africa MD Colin Oliver notes that the company has proactively changed with the times, while remaining committed to the original MSA safety philosophy that is over a century old. “Safety can always be improved, no matter how many advance- ments are made.” Oliver believes that this approach to business has led to MSA Africa being recog- nised as a high-quality reputable brand. “We stand by our product and service, no matter what. Our products are life saving devices and as such we simply cannot compromise on quality, brand or integrity. This has led to the company enjoying an unrivalled degree of customer loyalty,” he continues. Despite the measurable success over the years, Oliver admits that the company has faced numerous challenges. He points out that the international economic down- turn and continued pressure on global commodity prices have been particularly difficult to overcome. Oliver says: “Businesses in the mining and oil and gas sectors have been signifi- cantly impacted by the commodity pricing cycle. Despite this, MSA Africa continues to achieve a year-on-year improvement in busi- ness levels through strong product brand, marketing and the ongoing dedication of our staff.” According to Oliver, the commodity pricing cycle is still at a low point. “Mining operations will continue to drive cost optimi- sation and control. However, maintenance of existing infrastructure needs to continue to ensure that operations are able to take up the upswing of the commodity cycle when it
ABOVE: Front view of the MSA Gravity suspension harness. BELOW: The MSA Africa PremAire Escape system with hood.
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