Construction World May 2015
RICS is a global professional body that promotes and enforces the highest qualifications and In March the global spotlight fell on opportunities and potential for Africa’s built environment as the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) held its 2015 Africa Summit in Johannesburg. > THE POTENTIAL FOR AFRICA’S BUILT ENVIRONMENT
vital ingredients which will underpin ongoing emerging market momentum,” he asks. Sub-Saharan Africa is recognised as one of the fastest growing regions of the world – both in terms of economics and population, attributable in part to reduced trade barriers, strengthening governance and improved political stability. A panel discussion at the summit explored growthmarkets and opportunities in this region and howAfrica can sustain development, including high value investment, the property market, and the issues around skills employment and capacity. Further to this, with more than 90% of future population growth set to occur in large cities in developing countries, over the past two decades Africa has experienced the highest rate of urban growth in the developing world at an annual rate of 3,5% – anticipated to prevail until 2050. Previous projections have indicated that between 2010 and 2015, some African cities will account for up to 85% of the continent’s population, which raises a discussion on the type of cities African countries need in order to develop. Says TC Chetty, rics country manager for South Africa:“A highly topical
standards in the areas of land, real estate, construction and infrastructure. As a public benefit organisation, it operates in all the world’s major political and financial centres in delivering international stan- dards and policy influence. Engaging role players from across the continent and internationally, key speakers and panellists at the 2015 Africa Summit debated and explored topics such as the future economic sustainability and emerging market outlook for Southern Africa, as well as drivers, trends and oppor- tunities for investment in Sub-Saharan Africa’s fastest growing regions. Over the next five years, Africa’s economic growth is projected to outpace all other continents, according to Stanlib emerging market economist, Kganya Kgare. “Forecasts also indicate that four of the world’s 10 fastest-growing national economieswillbeAfrican,withannualGDP growth rates in Nigeria, Zambia, Ghana, Ethiopia, Mozambique, Tanzania and Democratic Republic of Congo expected to exceed more than six percent. Importantly, where is the investment coming from, what are the risks and the
Louise Brooke-Smith, RICS President, who opened the RICS 2015 Africa Summit.
issue on the programme will cover infra- structure as a core factor in sustaining growth, with the power sector being a prime example of infrastructure deficit – whether measured in terms of gener- ation capacity, electricity consumption or security of supply.” The Summit programme also included a panel discussion on business opportu- nities in Africa’s development, as well as roundtable topics on housing, urbanisa- tion and city competitiveness, shopping centres and retail, and rural development and land reform.
Sean Tompkins, CEO of RICS, who was involved in a panel discussion on business opportunities in Africa’s development.
TC Chetty, RICS country manager for South Africa.
Salani Sithole, managing director for its South African operations. Royal HaskoningDHV Concrete Manufacturers Association
Doosan Chris Whitehead, national sales manager for DISA Equipment, trading as Doosan, part of Invicta Holdings.
Criterion Equipment
Experian SA
Michelle Beetar, managing director.
Frans Minnaar, executive director.
Graham Clare, branch manager – KwaZulu-Natal.
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