Construction World October 2015
PREFERRED SUPPLIER Aveng Rand Roads has been announced as the preferred supplier for the N14 Phase I Project which has been awarded
to Power Construction. This entails the upgrading and rehabilitation of the N14. >
Hydro cutting is an environmentally friendly system for the repair and remediation of flushed bituminous pavements, and offers a number of significant advantages. The hydro cutter comprises a truck mounted high pressure water pump and vacuum recovery system and offers the flexibility to treat widths from 0,75 metre to 3,45 metre.
The project, which is expected to run from July 2015 to June 2016, will initially be supplied out of Aveng Rand Road’s Pretoria
West Asphalt plant, and once established from their mobile asphalt plant on site. This arrangement essentially enhances functionality and mitigates risk for the contractor by ensuring regular and consistent supply on demand. The awarding of this contract to Aveng Rand Roads is testament to the company’s reputation as a reliable and quality service provider in the road and infrastructure industry. Aveng Rand Roads is a specialist division within the Aveng Grinaker-LTA stable that has expanded its service offering since the company first began operating in 1970. Today Aveng Rand Roads offers a full range of high quality bituminous binders and asphalt products which they manufacture and supply for road reha- bilitation and infrastructure. Lee Cochrane, GM of Aveng Rand Roads, commented: “It is a little known fact that we have two bitumen processing facilities and rubber plants in the country, a number of static asphalt plants and a mobile plant which can be deployed to service projects in other parts of the country.” Throughout the recent bitumen shortage, Aveng Rand Roads has managed to sustain its operations and have comfortably been able to provide a sufficient supply of raw bitumen. This has placed Aveng Rand Roads in a position where it can adequately meet local demand for bituminous products.
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