Construction World October 2017
Buildings are given a Green Star rating by the Green Building Council of South Africa (GBCSA) but, once occupied, these buildings often become anything but eco-conscious. This is where FM comes in, and responsible corporates must ensure that their decision power is used to further sustainability. This requires a holistic approach, ensuring that the entire building is run, cleaned and maintained in an environmentally friendly way. This approach has three added benefits. The increased health and safety of the workforce occupying the building decreases absenteeism and increases productivity. This productivity ensures a positive effect on the bottom line, bolstered by cost savings realised (for example) using enzymatic cleaning products that continue working long after application, without saturating the air with chemical fumes and volatile organic compounds. The Middle East Consultancy Agency (MECA) is passionately driving this movement towards green facilities management, with the aim of promoting excellence in the cleaning and facility management industry. MECA confirms that this benefits the cleaning professionals, economy, community, and the organisations. “We exercise regulatory functions, setting standards in relation to cleaning activities, and securing compliance.” As the professional body for the cleaning and facility management industry in the Middle East, North (and South) Africa, and South and Central Asia, MECA works closely with environmentally friendly bodies and cleaning service providers to deliver improved efficiencies and establish innovative, affordable solutions that reduce inefficient resource use. Local green cleaning product manufacturer and GBCSA member, Green Worx Cleaning Solutions, was recently awarded Fellow Membership to MECA, making it the only bio-technology company in South Africa to be considered a member and preferred consultant. “This is part and parcel of our strategy to educate Africa, the Middle East and the rest of the globe in green practices, the maintenance of truly green buildings (and homes) and training the masses in the critical importance of sustainable practises,” says John J Coetzee, CEO at Green Worx. For the last decade, Coetzee has worked hard to educate the market about the need for greener living, cleaner results and smarter practices. “We do this because we know that the planet is finite, and its resources are limited,” he concludes. “In legal terms, there’s a saying that ‘ignorance of the law is no excuse’ – the time has come where ignorance of our effect on the planet could be our own downfall. This is why the time to be an #ecowarrior is now.” Greening FM … a global challenge According to a scientific paper entitled ‘Building and Environment’, the practice of sustainable facilities management (FM) is rapidly evolving with the increasing interest in the discourse of sustainable development: “Survey results show that time constraints, lack of know- ledge and lack of senior management commitment are the main barriers for the implementation of consistent and comprehensive sustainable FM policy and practice.”
With a global shift towards green thinking and environmentally friendly products Matco, the entrance matting brand of Coba Africa, is excited to announce the launch of their new eco-friendly Treadwell entrance matting. Eco friendly entrance matting launched Using state-of-the-art recycling technology, tyres and belt material is recycled to create the Treadwell entrance matting. Both low maintenance and durable, the slip- resistant rubber surface with ribbed construction is comfortable to walk on and sturdy enough to withstand heavy wear making it ideal for entry ways, lobbies, shopping malls, hospitals, airports, office buildings, schools, theatres and the like. The matting is so durable that it can be used in sporting facilities subjected to cleats and spikes. The rugged brush nylon surface is made of a mixture of earth tones to complement most interior design schemes adding to the sense of style. Treadwell tiles can be laid in different configurations to create eye catching patterns such as herringbone, standard or diagonal parquets or large geometric grids. The matting surface has an abrasive finish which brushes dirt from footwear effectively reducing the amount of dirt brought into the facility. The tiles can be specified for covered exterior installations where the weather can take a toll on flooring. Even when wet, Treadwell matting retains its slip- resistant properties providing sure footing in poor conditions.
sustainable construction world
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