Construction World October 2017
Movement is happening within African infrastructure, especially in the transportation sectors. Most recently, the Government of the Republic of Kenya launched a tender process to develop a PPP bridge and the Government of Rwanda have signed the concession agreement for the development of the new international airport in Rwanda, known as the Bugesera International Airport. These and many more PPP projects will be discussed and showcased at the 9 th Africa Public Private Partnership Conference and Showcase taking place in Cape Town from 23 – 24 November 2017. Project sponsors, financiers, multilateral development agencies, public and private sector players and insurance agencies will discuss ways to mobilise PPP projects in Africa, develop bankable projects and review best practice scenarios. Building on the success of last year, this year’s edition will include extended one-on-one meetings during the event, more industries, dedicated sector-specific breakaway sessions and more PPP project overviews and investable opportunities. Confirmed PPP Units to date are Kenya, South Africa, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Cameroon and Rwanda. The conference programme will focus on topics such as Standardising PPP Frameworks, Increasing Manufacturing and Industrialisation PPPs, Centralised Office Accommodation and Government Precincts, African PPP Units – Bankable Project Showcase, PPP Energy Projects, Hospitality and Tourism PPPs and include a debate about ‘Encouraging State-Owned Entities to Adopt PPPs.’ How PPPs are rapidly fuelling African Infrastructure
Engineering Excellence with a value greater than R250-million.
Engineering Excellence with a value less than R50-million.
Group Awards photo.
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