Construction World October 2020

Forgingaheadwiththe launchof virtual courses O wing to the global COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdown imposed by government, skills development has been severely impacted due to physical attendance of courses being brought to a halt. However, this has not deterred the School of Consulting Engineering (SCE), which has taken a step back while systems and processes were put in place to ensure individuals, FRPSDQLHV DQG RWKHU RUJDQLVDWLRQV FRXOG EHQHͤW IURP WKH FRXUVHV it offers. Consulting Engineers South Africa’s SCE was created to meet WKH VSHFLͤF QHHGV RI WKH %XLOW (QYLURQPHQW ,QGXVWU\ 6SHDNLQJ about the launch of the SCE-Learning virtual courses, SCE manager Brenda Lacey-Smith said students could take advantage of this new normal by attending training from the comfort of their KRPHV RͦFHV DQG RWKHU UHPRWH ORFDWLRQV ZKLOH DOVR LQWHUDFWLQJ with course convenors and other students. “While we had been accustomed to commuting in the morning and attending courses at CESA’s training centre and other venues across the country, I believe we can use that commuting time to better use elsewhere,” she stated. Lacey-Smith also announced the introduction of an updated course list as well as an increased number of convenors DYDLODEOH WR VKDUH WKHLU VSHFLͤF LQGXVWU\ NQRZOHGJH DQG H[SHUWLVH with students. “Our updated course groupings include Analysis and Investigation; Legal and Contractual; Project Management; Ethics; Marketing Management; Quality & Risk; Financial Management; Personal Development; Regulations; Information Technology; Procurement; Tech & Innovation; Leadership; Professional Registration – ECSA and SACPCMP; and Technical- Civil, Structural and Electrical.” Recent course attendee, Olivia Williams said attending online was something necessary considering the current situation, and she was warming up to this new normal having attended other SCE courses in recent years. Olivia’s fellow training colleague, Ephraim Tsipe who has also attended SCE courses previously, also stated that he was getting used to attending via an online platform, and while it can be a bit of a challenge as far as focusing on one thing is concerned, the course convenor for the training he recently attended was well equipped for the job and made this an easy assimilation for himself as well as fellow attendees. The School of Consulting Engineering aims to provide the opportunity for Consulting Engineers, their staff, their clients (Government & Private Sector) and other interested parties in the Infrastructure & Built Environment to enhance their engineering, professional management and entrepreneurial skills. ƒ




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