Construction World October 2020


A BOOST FOR SA HEALTHCARE FACILITIES As hospitals around the world are trying to fight the ongoing onslaught of the COVID-19 pandemic, the importance of well-maintained, fully functioning hospitals and clinics is continuously being highlighted. Pandemics and disasters aside, experts agree that healthcare is a mega-trend around the world.

Growing demand for healthcare services “We see more personal and public resources being spent on healthcare today than ever before. Ageing populations, increased IRFXV RQ SUHYHQWDWLYH KHDOWK JURZLQJ DͧXHQFH DQG WHFKQRORJLFDO advancements in the medical world are all contributing factors to KRVSLWDOV DQG KHDOWKFDUH IDFLOLWLHV H[SHULHQFLQJ D JURZLQJ LQͥX[ of patients,” says Lydia Hendricks, Business Development Director of the AFMS Group and its subsidiary FM Solutions – a privately- owned company that provides specialist FM services to the built environment throughout Southern Africa. Why outsourcing to FM experts makes sense Traditionally, hospitals used to operate with their own in-house facilities management or maintenance teams. Progressive hospitals, however, are changing this approach by outsourcing this service in RUGHU WR VWUHDPOLQH WKHLU RSHUDWLRQV LPSURYH HͦFLHQFLHV DQG XQORFN savings. “Around the world, it has become a growing trend by hospital administrators of public and private hospitals to outsource their FM duties to specialist companies who are able to coordinate a large group of different team members and services. South Africa is slowly but surely following suit as decision-makers realise the many EHQHͤWV WKDW DUH DIIRUGHG WR WKHP ZKHQ WKH\ SDUWQHU ZLWK D )DFLOLWLHV Management service provider,” Lydia explains. Typically, FM for hospitals, clinics and other healthcare facilities cover a wide range of services and activities. This includes the close monitoring of how high-value assets in the hospitals are used, ensuring around-the-clock access to technical expertise and PDLQWHQDQFH VHUYLFHV LPSURYLQJ ZRUNSODFH ͥRZ DQG VWUHDPOLQLQJ daily services to support the institution. High expectations of public hospitals 6LQFH RSHQLQJ LWV GRRUV IRU WKH ͤUVW WLPH LQ )0 6ROXWLRQV KDV

provided various industries with facilities management solutions. In 2014 they were called upon to assist the Eastern Cape Department of Health with conditions audits, provide maintenance solutions and introduce SMME Development initiatives at 343 of its provincial medical facilities. “The stakes and expectations are high for public hospitals who have to comply with legislation such as Government’s Immovable Asset Management Act (GIAMA) and the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) that regulate the management of state DVVHWV $)06 KDV H[SHULHQFH LQ WKLV ͤHOG DQG ZDV EURXJKW RQ ERDUG to offer support to Eastern Cape hospitals where capacity was lacking,” Lydia says. 7KLV SURMHFW JDYH WKH FRPSDQ\̵V WHDP RI )0 H[SHUWV ͤUVW KDQG exposure to the unique challenges hospitals face in their day-to-day operations and the valuable role they can play when it comes to delivering technical support, bolstering business and taking control of the day-to-day running of support services. Delivering Integrated FM Services to Western Cape Hospitals Recently, FM Solutions formed a joint venture company, called the /HQWHJHXU )DFLOLWLHV 0DQDJHPHQW 6ROXWLRQV /)06 VSHFLͤFDOO\ IRU the on-site management of certain facilities management services at the Lentegeur Psychiatric Hospital and Western Cape Rehabilitation Centre situated in Mitchells Plain, Cape Town. In addition, FM Solutions has also taken over the management of certain facilities at the Hospital of Hope – the temporary hospital constructed at the &7,&& DQG WKH ELJJHVW &29,' ͤHOG KRVSLWDO LQ $IULFD 7KLV KRVSLWDO has been receiving high praise from patients who were treated there both for the excellent level of care they have received and the exceptional way in which the facility is being managed. Kevin Stasch, FM Solutions’ Key Account Manager at LFMS FRQͤUPV WKDW WKHLU UHPLW LV WR PDQDJH VSHFLͤF VXSSRUW VHUYLFHV WKDW

are required to make the hospital run smoothly. This includes the cleaning of wards, landscaping/estate maintenance, catering, laundry and handyman services. Should an issue arise that requires attention, LFMS has established a dedicated, on-site helpdesk where nursing staff and doctors can log requests for repairs 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year. These jobs are scheduled according to their urgency or severity and alerts are sent out if the problem is not solved within the designated time. “We are passionate about job creation and empowering SMMEs from the immediate area. For this reason, we outsource certain tasks to local service providers once clear service level agreements are in place. Where highly technical, specialist repairs are required, e.g. catering or maintaining medical equipment, we are responsible for appointing and overseeing these services too,” Kevin explains. Outsourcing allows for greater accountability and transparency “Outsourcing the management of support services to an FM service provider makes sense for hospitals, as LW DOORZV WKHP DFFHVV WR ͥH[LEOH DJLOH DQG HͦFLHQW


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