Construction World October 2020
Afrimat operates in a potentially dangerous segment: how do you ensure the health and safety of employees? Afrimat cares for the wellbeing of all staff and recognises its workforce as a meaningful and important contributor towards its core business. It is the company’s policy to use our Health & Safety management system to do all that is reasonably practical to prevent occupational diseases, personal injury, damage to property and to protect all employees, visitors, contractors, public, interested and affected parties from foreseeable work hazards, insofar as they come into contact with the operations or are exposed to the performance within the company. We follow a pro-active and participative approach towards Health & Safety management both within the boundaries of our operations and the integration thereof
who work in an environment where they IHHO YDOXHG DQG HQJDJHG :H KDYH GHͤQHG our desired company culture and call it The Afrimat Way. It is a high performing culture but also a culture with an atmosphere of joy and positivity. Afrimat currently employs 2 289 employees across South Africa. The Group prioritises ongoing training in order to raise standards of performance and productivity, offering internal courses and using external suppliers to facilitate continuous development of its skills base. A focused training division is dedicated to providing all employees with the opportunity of expanding their skills and TXDOLͤFDWLRQV ,Q OLQH ZLWK VXFFHVVLRQ SODQQLQJ FDQGLGDWHV KDYH EHHQ LGHQWLͤHG and are receiving personal mentorship in furthering their formal education and operational knowledge. Focus is on the areas of mechanical and civil engineering as well as management, where previously disadvantaged candidates have been appointed as Trainee/Assistant Managers as part of two-three year development programmes.
with surrounding areas. This means that we endeavour to pro-actively identify and resolve potential Health & Safety risks before they manifest as accidents, incidents or non-compliances. We believe in leading by example and encourage and empower staff in appropriate ways to work together DV D WHDP WR IXOͤO WKHLU UHVSRQVLELOLW\
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