Construction World September 2020

STRATEGIC EXECUTIVE appointments for futuregrowth

Nick Booth.

Dirk Meyer.

C orobrik, South Africa’s leading brick maker, has announced the DSSRLQWPHQW RI &KLHI 2SHUDWLQJ 2ͦFHU 1LFN %RRWK DV WKH QHZ &KLHI ([HFXWLYH 2ͦFHU DQG WKH DSSRLQWPHQW RI &KLHI ([HFXWLYH 'LUN 0H\HU DV WKH QHZ &KLHI 2SHUDWLQJ 2ͦFHU Corobrik chairman, Peter du Trevou, said that changes had been made for strategic business reasons and would enable the company to grow, whilst focusing on its customers. This customer-centric future vision will be backed E\ HͦFLHQW SURGXFWLRQ DW &RUREULN̵V QDWLRQDO SURGXFWLRQ QHWZRUN RI FOD\ brick factories, including the soon to be commissioned R800-million new Driefontein factory. He said that the changes at executive level would enable the company to draw on the individual strengths of these two highly experienced business leaders. “As our pay off line says – Better Starts Here . Our two top executives go back a long way and have worked exceptionally well together side by side over the past three years. At times such as these, it is important for a business like Corobrik to draw on the expertise of its executives to ensure the best interests of customers, staff and shareholders are served. They make a great team and share an underlying trust that will take Corobrik FRQͤGHQWO\ LQWR WKH IXWXUH̹ 'X 7UHYRX VDLG Booth will draw on his retail skills as well as his strong commercial and marketing background gleaned during his career in various building materials suppliers, as well as head of Italtile Ltd, to steer South Africa’s oldest brick producer through any turbulence en route to the country’s economic recovery post the COVID-19 lockdown. Booth said that Meyer’s strong engineering background and production expertise is expected to not only facilitate the commissioning of the Driefontein facility but also continue Corobrik’s investment focus with the building of a new facility in Durban. Both executives will work closely together to not only grow sales of existing products but also to introduce new products to the market. ƒ




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