Construction World September 2020
designed by ARQ and installed by the main contractor above the pier position to protect the works below. In line with Franki’s stringent safety standards, the “Think Safe, Work Safe, Go Home Safe” mantra was always top of mind. The piling contract was completed with no lost time incidents recorded. “This prestigious project emphasises Franki’s diverse technical expertise and capability to successfully overcome the unique piling challenges related to infrastructure of this nature,” comments Dr. Nicol Chang, Franki group technical director. In an exciting development, the Keller Group has announced that Franki Africa and Keller Middle East will merge. Keller’s geotechnical construction businesses in Africa and the Middle East are joining together as one integrated business unit called Middle East Africa, branded as Keller, effective 1 January 2021. “We have a very proud history of success in both Africa and the Middle East,” says Thorsten Holl, President EMEA. “Combining RXU FDSDELOLWLHV ZKLOH LPSURYLQJ HͦFLHQF\ ZLOO VWUHQJWKHQ RXU position, and ultimately give us the best platform for further growth and success. “We are making the announcement well in advance to ensure that the transition is planned and executed smoothly and January is a logical starting point for the new organisation,” adds Holl. “In WKH PHDQWLPH HYHU\RQH UHPDLQV ͤUPO\ IRFXVHG RQ FRQWLQXLQJ WR win and execute work safely and successfully day to day.” Clients will see no change. The current business units, Franki Africa and Keller Middle East will continue to bid and secure work, while existing projects will continue as planned and clients will continue to work with the same people. ̸:H DUH FRQͤGHQW WKDW WKHVH DFWLRQV ZLOO KHOS .HOOHU DFKLHYH LWV ambition to be the leading geotechnical contractor in Africa and the Middle East,” concludes Holl.
Preparation of the pile reinforcement cage with O-cells in place
Osterberg cell (O-cell) testing $V D ͤUVW IRU 0DXULWLXV WZR 2 FHOO WHVWV ZHUH FDUULHG RXW WR YHULI\ the design and construction of the foundation piles. O-cell tests require no kentledge or reaction piles and proved to be cost-effective for tests with very high test loads. These tests were carried out by Fugro Loadtest, to a maximum load of 17,65 MN. The test piles performed extremely well, with settlement of 7 mm at 14,5 MN and 11 mm at 21 MN. Safety First The platform at Pier 2 was very close to a steep cliff, which posed a safety risk due to potential rock fall. A sturdy catch fence was
Above: Preparing the pile cap encompassing 40 No. 1080 mm Ø piles. Right: The Liebherr 845 Crane and the Powerful BG 20.
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