Construction World September 2020
%HQH̨WV IRU WKH FRQVWUXFWLRQ LQGXVWU\ “Due to rapid urbanisation, we see that developments such as RͦFHV DQG KRWHOV DUH LQFUHDVLQJO\ FRPSDFW ZLWK VPDOOHU IRRWSULQWV LQ DOUHDG\ EXLOW XS DUHDV 2LO ͤOOHG WUDQVIRUPHUV UHTXLUH WKDW H[WHUQDO substations or transformer bays are built outside the development, RIWHQ LQ FORVH SUR[LPLW\ WR KHDY\ IRRW WUDͦF 6XFK WUDQVIRUPHUV DUH a risk as it can either short circuit due to lack of maintenance or GXH WR D ͥDZ LQ WKH HOHFWULFDO GHVLJQ D VLWXDWLRQ H[DFHUEDWHG E\ LWV ͥDPPDEOH WDQN RI RLO ̹ With dry-type transformers existing space can be used such as basement areas or parking areas underneath the development. “We are able to install dry-type transformers in that environment ZLWKRXW FUHDWLQJ ULVNV +DYLQJ ͥH[LELOLW\ LQ WHUPV RI ZKHUH \RX LQVWDOO WKH WUDQVIRUPHU KDV VDIHW\ EHQHͤWV DV LW LV FORVHU WR WKH ORDG ZKLFK reduces cable sizes and construction work,” Claassen explains. $FFRUGLQJ WR &ODDVVHQ WKH LGHD VWLOO H[LVWV WKDW RLO ͤOOHG transformers are the cheaper option. “Depending on the substation OD\RXW WKH SULFLQJ EHWZHHQ RLO ͤOOHG DQG GU\ W\SH WUDQVIRUPHUV LV DFWXDOO\ FRPSDUDEOH %HFDXVH RLO ͤOOHG WUDQVIRUPHUV ZDV ZKDW WKH industry was familiar with, there was a preference for this. As safety, maintenance and environmental issues have gained importance, dry-type transformers are now preferred,” says Claassen. An extended service offering Trafo Power Solutions has extended its service offering to the built environment and is able to do an assessment of the existing VXEVWDWLRQ OD\RXW LI DQ H[LVWLQJ EXLOGLQJ QHHGV WR EH ͤWWHG ZLWK D WUDQVIRUPHU SURYLGH D UHSRUW VDIHO\ UHPRYH WKH H[LVWLQJ RLO ͤOOHG transformers, dispose of them in an environmentally friendly manner and in place install a new dry-type transformer. “With the assessment,” says Claassen, “there are two scenarios. When it is a new building we will co-ordinate closely with the consultant or architect in terms of how the substation should be laid out for the best optimal cooling and practicality. Existing EXLOGLQJV WKDW PDGH XVH RI RLO ͤOOHG WUDQVIRUPHUV RIWHQ ZDQW WR improve sustainability in terms of environmental scores and safety. Trafo can get involved in assessing this existing building that has ROGHU VXEVWDWLRQV ZLWK RLO ͤOOHG WUDQVIRUPHUV DQG RIIHU WKH VHUYLFH WR UHPRYH WKH RLO ͤOOHG WUDQVIRUPHUV RQ EHKDOI RI WKH FOLHQW DQG safely dispose of them in environmentally correct ways. A dry-type WUDQVIRUPHU LV WKHQ ͤWWHG LQWR DQ H[LVWLQJ VXEVWDWLRQ OD\RXW In most cases we are able to use existing cables and switchgear,” says Claassen. The report that Trafo provides following an assessment is detailed. “Trafo provides a drawing of the existing substation and deals in detail with aspects noted during the assessment, what
we believe should be replaced, what should stay and what should be upgraded to help facilitate the objectives of replacing these transformers. We provide a complete risk assessment and method statement detailing how the transformers will be removed, how they will be disposed of how the dry-type transformers will be put into the substation with the least disruption,” Claassen concludes.
A 1 600 kVA cast resin transformer including busbar trucking, installed at a large corporate building.
A cast resin transformer housed in specialised enclosure.
A 1 000 kVA cast resin transformer with type ‘C’ MV bushing arrangement.
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