Construction World September 2020
EFFECTIVEWORKFORCE MANAGEMENT INTHE NEWNORMAL Businesses across all industries and sectors are under pressure to operate within the ‘new normal’, unprecedented conditions that calls for tighter control of resources and acute focus on workforce management.
G uenter Nerlich, Sales Manager WFM/ERP Solutions EAD, SSA (sub-Sahara Africa), dormakaba, says with lockdown measures enforced across most markets, companies and their premises have to be managed with social distancing, safety and security constantly in mind. Nerlich says, “As a company, you need to know at any point of WLPH ZHUH \RXU HPSOR\HHV DUH ZKR ZDV DW WKH RͦFH DQG ZKR ZDV not. We need to be in a position where we can answer who’s where, when, and what time. Make sure regulations and employees are checked before they enter a building, are they in the roster are they DOORZHG WR ZRUN RU DUH WKH\ VXSSRVHG WR ZRUN IURP WKH KRPH RͦFH did they have their temperature checked, etc.” dormakaba stresses that every company must think long-term and how employees work together, how conducive is the environment for innovation and sustainability? Is the environment positively charged and does it serve to empower the workforce. The company understands that access control is paramount, as is time and attendance to ensure that human capital costs are kept to a minimum. As a leading provider of next-generation access control, door hardware and workforce management solutions, the company can help businesses equip themselves with just the right kind of DUFKLWHFWXUH WR VXLW WKH VSHFLͤF DFFHVV UHTXLUHPHQWV 6ROXWLRQV DOVR LQFOXGH ͥH[LEOH URRP FRQFHSWV ZLWK PRYDEOH ZDOOV DQG IUDPHOHVV glass hardware, barrier-free access and automatic entrance systems. Says Nerlich, “You would like to increase productivity by reducing employee lateness, unauthorised breaks and early departures? Conventional time clocks and manual time sheets are too cumbersome? You have to record absences due to illness or accidents for insurance purposes? Electronic time recording manages such requirements with convenient recording of time data. Our terminals, for example, are easy to install and simple to use.
7KH\ FDQ EH FXVWRPLVHG WR PHHW \RXU VSHFLͤF QHHGV DQG H[SDQGHG if necessary. The terminals communicate with a wide range of time recording solutions via the integration platform B-COMM. These time recording and access control applications are available from dormakaba. Alternatively, the terminals can be directly integrated into your ERP system, e.g. SAP.” As Nerlich explains, access control has had to adapt to the new normal and the company’s focus is on making their existing environments ‘pandemic compatible’. It is no longer simply about traditional access control solutions, including physical barriers, card systems and biometric applications – today it involves a range of solutions that can be customised to the needs and requirements of any environment, irrespective of how unique. 7KHUH DUH VXLWHV RI VROXWLRQV VSHFLͤFDOO\ GHVLJQHG DURXQG LQWXLWLYH VRIWZDUH WKDW PDQDJHV WKH HQWLUH V\VWHPV LQFOXGLQJ XVHU SURͤOHV badges and door components. “There is an audit trail facility to provide all access and system incidents at glance. Data access is given only to authorised SHUVRQQHO XVLQJ D ͥH[LEOH DXWKRULVDWLRQ FRQFHSW 7KH VROXWLRQV integrate with intruder systems, alarm systems and CCTV, as well as with ERP systems. Effective management is about highest possible level of control utilising proven technology and function principles.” Nerlich says that there are many clients out there with dormakaba biometrics solutions and hardware that can be adapted to the new circumstances, so it becomes a ‘touchless’ environment. dormakaba’s central message to the market is that T&A and access control is core to effective workforce management, and that there is technology available to better manage labour costs. ̸&RPSDQLHV QHHG WR VDYH FRVW LQ WKLV YHU\ GLͦFXOW WLPH 0DNH sure you have the right solutions that are cost effective for your business and can comply with the new regulations,” Nerlich adds.
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