Construction World September 2022

REGIONAL ROAD CONFERENCE ATTRACTS GLOBAL INTEREST FROM INTERNATIONAL SPEAKERS The level of international participation from speakers to delegates registering to attend the 7 th Regional Conference for Africa, hosted by the South African Road Federation (SARF) in collaboration with the International Road Federation (IRF) and the World Road Association (PIARC), reflects the attention that the event is getting from across the globe. U nder the theme “Connecting Africa through Smart, Safe and Resilient Roads: Stimulating Growth and Trade on the Continent”, the conference will take place from 18 to 20 October in Cape Town, South Africa (at the Cape Town International Convention Centre), “Our event this year truly reflects an international perspective,” says Basil Jonsson, Operations Director for SARF. “We are bringing together best practice from across the world, and this has also enabled us to secure internationally-renowned experts in the field, particularly in terms of keynote speakers.” These include Anouar Benazzouz, the first African President to stand at the helm of the IRF. Benazzouz is also the Director-General of Moroccan Highways (Autoroutes dur Maroc). A number of locals also join the keynotes, such as Professor André Roux (Head: Futures Studies Programme, University of Stellenbosch Business School), and Dr Pierre Voges (CEO of the Atlantis Special Economic Zone Company and former CEO of the Mandela Bay Development Agency). Enormous international interest is also reflected in the high volume of papers submitted from all four corners of the world – not only from countries that usually participate, but this year including a number from countries attending for the first time. International attendance to date confirms participants from countries as widely spread as the UK, USA and various EU countries to those in the Middle East and Africa, Japan, Mexico and New Zealand. The event, which also attracts large South African registration, is anticipated to draw more than 420 delegates in total. ESCA accreditation has therefore been secured by SARF with 1 CPD Point in Category 1 for each of the three days of the conference. Other topics on the three-day programme include: • Determination of roads needs and financing mechanisms • Preserving Africa’s road assets • Safe and efficient transport by road • Innovative practices to optimise road networks • Roads and the environment • The role of low volume roads in rural connectivity, and • Capacity development in the roads sector. A trade exhibition (accommodating 30 exhibitors in total) will run alongside the conference. Close to being sold out, only five indoor stands remain along with some outdoor exhibition space for large vehicles and equipment. 


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