Construction World September 2022
successfully constructed and delivered the Amdec Group’s R1,4bn Yacht Club development back in 2017.” “We enjoy excellent working relationships with the entire team, based on trust, mutual respect, and a shared culture of passion, commitment, and service excellence,” he said. This 16 billion development by the Amdec Group represents a significant private sector investment into the City of Cape Town. According to the Amdec Group CEO James Wilson, “More than 20 000 jobs are being created during the construction phase alone, with many more employment opportunities – especially in the tourism, hospitality and retail sectors – upon completion”. “We hope that Harbour Arch will kick-start further ambitious large-scale development within the Cape Town CBD, and allow us to hold our own against other capital cities around the world,” he said. Cutting an impressive figure against the Mother City’s skyline, Harbour Arch will create a new gateway to the Mother City. The completed precinct will comprise 6 towers
spanning 200 000 m 2 of usable space accommodating commercial offices and corporate headquarters; an urban park and shopping galleria at street level; an 8 th floor open air piazza lined with restaurants, coffee shops and cocktails bars; 2 Marriott branded hotels, with conferencing facilities; a flagship health and fitness club, and the largest selection of residential apartment in the CBD.
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