Electricitiy + Control February 2015
Precision that stands the test of time When it comes to measuring accuracy and maximum stability of measurement over five years, KROHNE sets high standards on the market with the latest generation of OPTITEMP temperature transmitters. Efficient 50 point linearisation combined with highly precise sensor drift detec- tion promotes the OPTITEMPTT51 to the head of its class in terms of precision and reliability. Regardless of the industry, whether it is chemical and energy, oil and gas metal, steel, glass or paper, maximum process reliability is a must. The OPTITEMOTT51 is fully compatible with HART 6, making them reliable and highly precise.The OPTITEMPTT 51 will impress you with its precision: in addition to significant improvement in reliability, dual sensor input makes sensor drift detection possible, detection age-related measurement errors as well. This redundancy comes in both a 2- wire and 3-wire circuit with thermocouples and resistance thermometers. The OPTITEMPTT 5 rail-mounted devise is also the only converter on the market to feature the option of a redundant 4-wire circuit. Along with newly designed electronics, the OPTITEMP TT 51 boasts an unrivalled low long-term measuring error of 0,05 % of span in five years. The OPTITEMPTT 51 also shines when it comes to the topic of reliability and safety: External influ- ences such as the ambient temperature, vibrations, moisture and electromagnetic waves have almost no influence on the measurement results.The unique Smartsense insulation resistance monitoring in the thermowell. Enquiries:Tel. 011 314 1391.Visit www.za.krohne.com
Precise in all positions ifm electronic ’s JN sensor for mobile applica- tions features adjustable zero point, counting direction and limit frequency. The inclination sensor provides reliable measurement of angles of inclination.The unit has a high preci- sion across the total angular range in two axes and an extremely low temperature drift of ± 0,002 °K.The JN sensor is designed for levelling mobile machinery (2-axis position detection and zero-point levelling), automatic adjustment of solar panels or levelling of wind turbines, for example. Since zero point, direction of counting (± 180° or 0 - 360°) and limit frequency can be set for a stable output signal (20, 10, 5, 1, 0,5 Hz), the sensor can be adapted precisely to different applications. The sensor with CANopen inter- face and bus capability allows complete CAN integration according to the communication profiles CANopen CiA DS-301 and CiA DSP-410. Connection is made using M12 connectors with clearly visible LEDs. Enabling the terminating resistor is optional. In addition, the sensor has E1 approval and provides the signals, among others, as perpendicular or Euler angle.The in- clination sensor guarantees optimum reliability with maximum precision. Enquiries:Tel. 012 450 0370 or email info.za@ifm.com
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