Electricity + Control 2019
The industrial networks market 2019 HMS Networks recently presented its annual analysis of the industrial networks market, which focuses on new installed nodes within factory automation globally. As an independ- ent supplier of solutions for industrial communication and the Industrial Internet ofThings, HMS has substantial insight into the industrial network market. Some of the trends the company sees in industrial communication in 2019 are outlined here. Continued growth for industrial Ethernet Last year, HMS noted that industrial Ethernet had surpassed traditional fieldbuses for the first time – and this development continues in 2019. With a steady growth rate of 20% (22% in 2018), industrial Ethernet now makes up 59% of the global market (compared to 52% last year). EtherNet/IP is the largest industrial Ethernet network with 15% of the market, but PROFINET has almost closed the gap and now constitutes 14% of the mar- ket. Ethernet runners-up globally are EtherCAT at 7%, Ethernet POWERLINK at 5%, and Modbus-TCP at 4%, all showing stable growth. For the first time, fieldbuses are declining, by -5% (compared to a 6% growth last year), and now account for 35% of new installed nodes. The dominant fieldbus is still PROFIBUS with 10% of the world market, followed by CC-Link at 6% and Modbus-RTU at 5%. Anders Hansson, Chief Marketing Officer at HMS commented on the some of the chang- es in the market. “The continuing transition to industrial Ethernet is driven by the need for high performance and integration between factory installations and IT-systems/IIoT applica- tions. As we see traditional fieldbuses decline in terms of new installed nodes, industrial Ethernet networks are showing good growth: for the established Ethernet/IP, PROFINET, EtherCAT, POWERLINK and Modbus-TCP, as well as for the networks grouped in the ‘other Ethernet’ category.This fragmented Ethernet picture is interesting and underscores the fact that industrial Ethernet never standardised on one network as many predicted when the Ethernet-based networks first evolved in the 1990s. Like the fieldbuses, the various Ether- net networks serve different purposes, depending on industrial application.” Wireless solutions Wireless technologies are also growing steadily by 30% (32%) and account for 6% (6%) of the total market. Within Wireless, WLAN is the most popular technology, followed by Bluetooth. “Wireless is increasingly being used by machine builders and system integra- tors to realise new, innovative automation architectures. Users can reduce cabling and create new solutions for connectivity and control,” says Hansson. “We also see increased activity globally around cellular technologies (for private LTE/5G networks, for example) as enablers for smart and flexible manufacturing in factories.” Regional network variations In Europe and the Middle East, EtherNet/IP and PROFINET are leading and PROFIBUS is still widely used. Other popular networks are EtherCAT and Ethernet POWERLINK. The US market is dominated by the CIP networks, with a clear move towards EtherNet/ IP. EtherCAT is continuing to gain market share. In Asia, no network stands out as truly market-leading, but PROFINET, EtherNet/IP, PROFIBUS, EtherCAT, Modbus and CC-Link are widely used, with the Ethernet version of CC-Link IE Field also gaining traction. For more information see HMS Industrial Networks www.hms-networks.com, or contact Andrea Jacobsen, email: anja@hms.se
Manufacturing Indaba 2019 25-26 June 2019, Sandton Convention Centre, Johannesburg This conference and exhibition, hosted in partnership with the South African Department of Trade & Industry, the Department of Science & Technology and the Manufacturing Circle, representing the private sector, has proven its value in catalysing business connections and helping manufacturers to grow. Enquiries: visit www.manufacturingindaba.co.za KZN Industrial Technology Exhibition – KITE 2019 23-26 July, Durban Exhibition Centre, Durban The leading industrial technology exhibition for the KZN region happens only every two years. Enquiries: visit www.kznindustrial.co.za Computing & Data Communication Systems 5-6 August 2019, Drakensberg Sun Resort, KZN icABCD 2019 will cover topics such as: mobile and data communication systems, modulation techniques, routing, optical networks, IoT, electronics, software-defined networking, WSN, LoRA, big data and soft computing, deep learning, AI, Fuzzy Logic, NLP, data analytics, green IT and energy, e-waste, and computer security, among many others. Enquiries: Dr Upasana Singh, South Africa, email: icabcd.org@gmail.com or visit: www.icabcd.org/2019 ICT Infrastructure Conference & Expo 2019 28-29 August 2019, Emperors Palace, Ekurhuleni, Gauteng The conference will look at the potential of ICT Infrastructure to spur growth in South Africa’s economy focusing on aspects of planning, installation and operation as well as the latest technologies, solutions and considerations for creating world- class ICT infrastructure. Enquiries: visit www.ictinfrastructure.co.za Future Energy East Africa 17-18 September 2019, KICC, Nairobi, Kenya The largest and longest running regional power conference and exhibition in East Africa. Enquiries: Clarion Energy, Tel. +27 (0)21 700 3500 or visit www.future-energy-eastafrica.com/ Off-Grid Experts Workshop 19-21 September 2019, Messe Augsburg, Augsburg, Germany A leading event for self-sufficient power supply with solar, wind and hydropower plants, the workshop attracts installers, dealers, planners, users and organisations from around the world. It hosts lectures, workshops, exhibitions and networking events. Specialist partner of Messe Augsburg is Phaesun GmbH from Memmingen. The official partner of the Beckhoff Product Training 2019 TwinCAT 3 and TwinCAT 2 training courses monthly, to November 2019 Beckhoff Automation offers training for its system components such as TwinCAT 2, TwinCAT 3, IPCs, Embedded PCs, I/O and Motion products. The 3-day training courses are run at Beckhoff Training Centres in Johannesburg, Cape Town, Port Elizabeth and Durban. Enquiries: Visit www.beckhoff.co.za or email training@beckhoff.co.za icABCD 2019 2019 International Conference on Advances in Big Data, event is the Alliance for Rural Electrification (ARE). Enquiries: visit www.off-grid-experts.com or https://www.messeaugsburg.de/en/
Scope of study The study includes HMS’ estimation for 2019 based on number of new installed nodes in 2018 within factory automation. A node is defined as a machine or device connected to an industrial network. The figures represent HMS’ consolidated view, taking into account insights from colleagues in the industry, its own sales statistics and overall perception of the market.
HMS Networks is a leading independent sup- plier of solutions for industrial communica- tion and the Industrial Internet of Things. The company develops and manufactures prod- ucts under the Anybus ® , Ixxat ® and Ewon ® brands. Communication solutions for build- ing automation are offered through its sub- sidiary Intesis. Headquartered in Halmstad, Sweden, HMS has branch offices globally as well as a worldwide network of distributors and partners.
40 Electricity + Control
JUNE 2019
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