Electricity + Control April 2016
Turbine control systems for Mongolia’s largest thermal power plant
Yokogawa has received an order to supply turbine control systems for thermal power plant No. 4, the largest thermal power plant in Mongolia. This 2,1 billion yen project is being undertaken to improve the efficiency of this facility’s operations. Located in Mongolia’s capital city, Ulaanbaatar, thermal power plant No. 4 has a total capacity of 703 MW and accounts for ap- proximately 70% of the electricity output to the central energy
and auxiliary facilities such as the feed water pump control system, Yokogawa will provide field devices such as DPharp EJA series dif- ferential pressure/pressure transmitters, FLXA21/FLXA202 liquid analysers, control valves, and safety valves.Yokogawa will also have full responsibility for the implementation of this renovation project. Enquiries: Christie Cronje.Tel. +27 (0) 11 831 6300 or email Christie.cronje@za.yokogawa.com
system in Mongolia. The plant also supplies 1 373 Gcal/h (12 000 t/h) of hot water for the district heating system in Ulaanbaatar, meeting about 65% of the city’s heating demand.Temperatures in this region fall as low as −40ºC in mid- winter, so this power plant is a crucial lifeline for the city’s residents. This project, which is financed by a Japanese ODA loan from the Japan In- ternational CooperationAgency (JICA), will improve the efficiency of power generation and stabilise the supply of electricity and hot water by this plant. For six of the plant’s turbines, obsolete mechanical speed governors will be converted to electronic governors, and control systems and instrumentation will be replaced. In addition to supply- ing the CENTUMVP integrated produc- tion control system for the control and monitoring of the turbine governors
‘Wear-n-tear’ free monitor for liquid media
KOBOLD Instrumentation, represented in South Africa by Instrotech – a Comtest Group company, has on offer its model NCW capacitive level monitors for liquid media, ensuring secure protection against overfilling or unintended emptying of tanks or reservoirs.The proven capacitive measuring principle for limit level detection works almost wear-and-tear free. PTFE-coating isolates
situated outside the tank in the connection head.The potentiometer and DIP switches of the electronicmodule enable precise adjustment of this reliable limit level detector to the respective medium. The measuring system is based on the capacitive measuring method. Enquiries:Tel. +27 (0) 10 595 1831 or email sales@instrotech.co.za
the stainless steel probes from the medium and guarantees a high chemical resistance. Four versions enable an individual choice appropriate to the measuring task. In addi- tion to the single probe standard solution for metallic tanks, double probe versions for non-metallic tanks and for aggressive media are also available. For media with low dielectric constants, the units can also be delivered with a coaxial reference tube. A high temperature version designed for fluid temperature of max. 125°C tops off the all-round program. The length of the measuring probes can be individually configured up to 4 000 mm according to requirements. The devices are compact and beside assembly from the top, the short probes can also be installed from the side. A pluggable electronic module is
Electricity+Control April ‘16
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