In terms of civil engineering design, the AES-2006 buildings and
facilities as well as process systems and important safety systems
are constructed to withstand a design basis earthquake of 0,25 g
and heavy aircraft (e.g. Boeing-747) crash. Even in the event of a
meltdown, projects based on VVER III+ generation technology al-
low control over the accident for 72 hours. If one was to consider a
Denis Kolchinsky is MIR project chief engineer, Anatoly Mol-
chanov is a department chief engineer, Vladimir Bezlepkin is
the science and innovations director, Alexander Altshuller
is the chief engineer of nuclear steam generation plants (St
Petersburg Atomenergoproekt, a branch of ATOMPROEKT),
and Ryan Collyer is employed by, Rosatom South Africa.
ATOMPROEKT JSC is the leading design company of State Corporation Rosatom. The company
was established on 1 July 2013, having brought together the best nuclear designers of St.
Petersburg – VNIPIET Lead Institute and Atomenergoproekt, St. Petersburg. The company has
almost a century of experience and knowledge in comprehensive design of nuclear facilities.
Today the company employs over three thousand competent experts who are developing the
projects of the future. Enquiries: Ryan Collyer. Tel. 011 784 2554 or email
rcollyer@rosatom.co.zaLighting design specialists
Lighting equipment and
control technologies are developing at
lightning speed. To provide proper design
solutions that make use of the latest, most
cost-effective technologies, lighting profes-
sionals must attend national trade shows
and continually update product information
and samples from hundreds of manufac-
turers around the world. Keeping abreast
of newest weapons in the lighting arsenal
has become time intensive and more es-
sential. Independent lighting consultants
do not sell or install equipment, nor do
they depend on the recommendations of
lighting sales people.
Illumination is a short-lived
partner of architecture. Light is invisible
until it strikes an object or surface. It is
controlling this difficult, transitory medium
that gives the lighting ‘artist’ the ability to
create hierarchies, dynamics and mood.
Lighting design has become a creative
extension of architectural design, improv-
ing visibility and complementing form,
programme and colour.
Knowledge of physics,
optics, electricity, ergonomics, business,
codes, environmental issues, construction,
vision and the art of design are all essential
to creating great lighting solutions.
Lighting professionals must be well
grounded and continually educating
themselves to provide the best possible
service.They do so in many ways including
networking, reading trade magazines and
journals, attending and presenting semi-
nars.This sort of give and take, along with
healthy competition, drives the profession
as a whole.
Cost and payback of professional
Architectural lighting design
is succeeding as a profession because of
the many solid answers to this question:
Why should an architect or owner pay for
lighting design services when it can be
done in house or by a salesperson at no
additional ‘cost’?The fee that a lighting de-
signer charges is difficult to sell only when
the extent and value of the services are not
recognised. Those owners and architects
who have benefitted from independent,
skillful lighting designs realise that there
are both short- and long-termpaybacks that
far outweigh the fees. Lighting designers
can be a unique, value-added resource. In
many instances, a lighting designer will
actually reduce the project construction
and operations costs.
ACDC Dynamics
we pride ourselves
on being able to provide the most exten-
sive, high quality range of international
brands available to our valued customers.
Enquiries: Richard Huyerman.
Tel. 010 202 3300 or email
RichardH@acdc.co.zaROUND UP
Fukushima-like scenario, Russian NPPs are able to operate autono-
mously for approximately one month. This is proved not only in the
blueprint, but also in practice, in recent years, all this company’s
NPPs successfully passed drills on the Fukushima-like scenarios, of
beyond design basis radiation accidents.
August ‘15