Control systems and automation 4 Breaking the Surface: Servo terminals move virtual ocean By M Matuschke, Beckhoff 8 Round UP Energy and enviroFiciency 12 Generation III+ VVER nuclear reactors By DE Kolchinsky, AV Molchanov, VV Bezlepkin, AM Altshuller (St Petersburg Atomenergoproekt, a branch of VNIPIET, Russia), R Collyer, Rosatom SA15
Round UP
Electrical protection and safety
IR windows
By S Edwards, R&C Instrumentation
22 Round UP Temperature measurement 24 Improving productivity in a temperature calibration laboratory By R Ainsworth, Fluke Calibration 28 Round UP Standby and back-up 30 Keeping the lights on in smart buildings By M Da Silva, Power Solutions, The Jasco Group 31 Time to focus on standby power system servicing By J Ward, Powermode 33 Round UP Transformers and substations 36 Efficiency analysis of a three phase power transformer By R Gouws and O Dobzhanskyi, North-West University 42 Round UP ACDC Dynamics prides itself in being at the forefront of technol- ogy when it comes to lighting and lighting design. Read more on page 17.FEATURES:
Control systems and automation
Energy and enviroFiciency
Electrical protection and safety
Standby and back-up
Transformers and substations
E+CAugust 2015 cover.indd 1
2015/07/23 09:21:19AM
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