Electricity + Control August 2017
round up
Reliable insulation from the field to the network The Mini Analogue Pro signal conditioners from Phoenix Contact , featuring bus and network con- nection combine the benefits of safe electrical iso- lation with those of digital communication. Up to eight field signals can be transmitted to industrial networks without error on less than 50 mm over- all width. Signal-specific input cards are no longer required. The highly compact modules with an overall width of just 6,2 mm provide you with all conven- tional signal transmission functions: Analogue, temperature, frequency or switch signals are pro- cessed safely and transmitted to output signals. The new plug-in gateways digitise this output data and send it directly from the interface level to the control system or PLC via a serial communication protocol such as Modbus or Profibus. In addition to fast, error-free signal bundling on one network cable, this offers you safe electrical isolation right to the CPU, even between the individual channels. Up to eight signal conditioners with current or dig- ital outputs can be combined as desired. This ena- bles previously unachievable modularity and space saving. Enquiries: Email tonyr@phoenixcontact.co.za
E L P A examination dates announced 16, 17 and 22, 23 August 2017
Dates have been announced for the first round of ELPA (Earthing, Lightning & Protection Association) examinations. These will take place on 16, 17 and 22, 23 August 2017. One of ELPA’s main functions is to certify installers, design- ers, and assessors of lightning protection systems. The certification of lightning protection installers is an important step in the provision of valid COCs for the lightning protection installation. Certified ELPA installers will provide certainty that a high level of competency is adhered to on all installations. In order to maintain these high installation levels, ELPA will randomly inspect installations of accredited installers. The additional accreditation of lightning protection designers and assessors will take place early in 2018. It is therefore vitally important that lightning protection installation companies obtain ELPA accreditation of their installation personnel. Enquiries: Claudelle Pillay.Tel: +27 (0) 11 704 1487 or email info@elpasa.org.za
Staying online despite extreme lightning hazards Internet solutions provider, Jenny Internet, had a newly developed site in Con- stantia Kloof, West of Johannesburg. Werner Stucky, Managing Director at Jenny Internet, says: “We had a newly developed site on a position known for lots of lightning during the year, and needed to erect costly equipment on the tower. We had to be sure that the equipment was not at risk. After test- ing some of DEHN Africa’s products, we were convinced that implementing these and their solutions was the way to achieve an acceptable risk profile for the site.” Following a site assessment visit, DEHN Africa drew up a detailed plan, a process which took a few weeks. “The site was already half built, so DEHN had to come up with a solution that suited the layout. It was very difficult to put the grounding system in, as there were lots of rocks. However, the approach was planned well and took everything into consideration. Once the planning was done, we could be certain that the implementation, if done cor- rectly, would give us the results for which we were looking.” It so happens that in the case of Jenny Internet, the DEHN solution has been in place for the past 20 months and no losses have occurred.” Kirk Risch, sales and marketing director at DEHN Africa, comments: “There is, of course, a further advantage in that our systems give additional protec- tion to Jenny Internet’s employees on-site as well – when looking at lightning protection systems, it is imperative to look at the human safety angle also.” Enquiries: Kirk Risch.Tel. +27 (0) 11 704 1487 or email kirk.risch@ dehn-africa.com
Electricity + Control
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