Electricity + Control August 2017
round up
Safe and efficient – diverse industries
Switchgear for Rosh Pinah
Legrand Busbar Trunking Systems: Low, medium and high power busbars accom- modate current and future planning of pow- er distribution systems to meet the high demands of modern installations and com- plex requirements. Resin busbars, with an IP68 index protection rating, are suitable for high power outdoor projects. Legrand cast resin transformers, with low electromagnetic emission: Legrand’s energy efficient cast resin transformers ef- ficiently transfer electrical power between two different voltage systems, at the same frequency. These transformers have no risk of insulating fluid losses and are a low fire hazard − even in harsh environments. XL³ cabinets and enclosures: For sites between 160 A and 6 300 A − provide solu- tions adapted to meet exact site power distribution needs in industrial, commercial and residential environments. Most impor- tantly, these units comply with every part of the standard IEC 61439 to guarantee reliability and total protection of the instal- lation. Uninterruptible power supply (UPS) units: The Legrand UPS system, which en- sures continuity of service for installations in diverse industries, provides reliable per- formance in terms of power and back up time. Legrand’s power solutions ensure conti- nuity of service and protection of electrical equipment during planned and unexpected power outages. These modular systems include cast resin transformers, with low electromag- netic emission, busbar trunking systems, enclosures for power switchgear and con-
trolgear assemblies, as well as uninterrupti- ble power supply (UPS) units. According to Legrand, the key advan- tage in selecting these components for ef- ficient, safe and flexible power distribution, is the immediate integration between Leg- rand’s busbar trunking systems, cast resin transformers and XL³ cabinets. All Legrand power solutions systems encompass the latest technology for en- ergy efficiency, quality power supply, opti- mum safety and enhanced aesthetics. Legrand’s busbar trunking systems (25 A – 6 300 A) which comply with internation- al IEC 61439-6 standards, have minimum overall dimensions and provide flexibility in all areas of an installation, including con- fined spaces. Resin busbars, with an IP68 index protection rating, are suitable for high power outdoor projects. Aluminium or copper busbars and cast resin transformers are equipped with vari- ous accessories to provide maximum ver- satility for any type of power application, in- cluding zones which are subjected to high thermal stress and where equipment is sensitive to electromagnetic interferences. Safety is important in the design of all Legrand components. The absence of fuel masses in Legrand’s cast resin transform- ers is combined with a low fire load typical of busbars. This feature increases the in- trinsic safety of a building against the prop- agation of a possible fire. This fire retardant range is tested for fire resistance according to DIN 4102-09 and EN 1366-3 standards. Enquiries:Tel. +27 (0) 11 444 7971 or email legrand.south-africa@legrand. co.za or visit www.legrand.co.za
JB Switchgear Solutions was recent- ly awarded a contract by DRA Global, for the design, manufacture and supply of containerised motor control cen- tres destined for an upgrade project at Rosh Pinah Zinc in Namibia. The multi-million Rand contract includes JB Switchgear’s special- ly-developed and compact ‘Eagle’ series container panel which allows two rows of motor control on op- posite sides of the container whilst still maintaining the minimum meas- urement of 1,2 metres (as specified in the mines health and safety act) between the opposing fronts of the motor control centres. This design holds certain advantage, i.e. space saving, cost savings, and the benefit of full functional testing before the container substation is dispatched to site. Busbars are easily accessible for installation, maintenance and subse- quent additions and/or modifications. JB Switchgear’s ‘Eagle’ series carries comprehensive type test cer- tification, and has proven over many years to be reliable, robust and us- er-friendly. More than 31 000 (thirty one thousand) tiers of this design has been installed in various coun- tries around the globe. The mining sector into Africa is a very successful deployment focus for containerised substations, and is expected to grow even further in the future. Enquiries: Johan Basson.Tel. +27 (0) 11 027 5804 or email info@ jbswitchgear.co.za
JB Switchgear’s spacious facility in Brakpan, East of Johannesburg
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