Electricity + Control August 2017
round up
Proximity Detection and Collision Avoidance Systems
Becker’s modular CAS solutions encom- pass all aspects of the most advanced min- ing communications and technology. A key advantage, is the Becker MineView soft- ware visualisation package allows for mine- wide integration with all SCADA-related systems, as well as real-time location and resource management systems provided by the Becker Group. This conference, which was organised by the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (SAIMM), involved com- pany exhibits, as well as a series of pres- entations and discussion sessions on the development and implementation of PDS and CAS for underground and surface mo- bile machinery. Enquiries:Tel. +27 (0) 11 617 6300 or email info@za.becker-mining.com Russian nuclear giant in MoU with Africa’s young nuclear professionals Russian energy group Rosatom has signed a Memorandum of Understand- ing on support and cooperation with the African Young Generation in Nuclear or- ganisation, at the POWER-GEN & Distrib- uTECH Africa conference and exhibition in Sandton. Rosatom, participating in a one-day Nuclear Forum at POWER-GEN Africa , undertook to offer support and knowl- edge sharing to AfricanYoung Generation in Nuclear, a new pan-African forum for young professionals working in the nucle- ar sector. Viktor Polikarpov, Regional Vice Presi- dent, Sub-Saharan Africa at Rosatom, not- ed that Africa’s population was a predom- inantly young one, and that Africa’s future was nuclear. “This is why we attach great importance to working with the young people who will implement and take fur- ther the nuclear programmes we lay the groundwork for now,” he said. “Rosatom is committed to knowledge and skills transfer, and collaboration with these young nuclear professionals who will har- ness nuclear to the benefit of Africa.” Enquiries: Visit www.powergenafrica.com
Becker Mining South Africa’ s exhibit at the recent SAIMM ‘Proximity Detection and Collision Avoidance Systems in Mining Colloquium 2017’ conference in South Af- rica, attracted interest from key players in the mining sector. Becker Mining South Africa - a key sup- plier of safety and communications tech-
nologies to the mining sector - has devel- oped and advanced Proximity Detection Systems (PDS) and Collision Avoidance Systems (CAS) for nearly 20 years,” says Andrew Trentelman, Becker Mining South Africa. “The company’s patented tri-tech- nology point of detection system, which delivers unrivalled protection and scalability in proximity systems, conforms to strin- gent South African legislation regarding interactions between personnel and TMMs for the hard rock and coal mining industry. “This is the only underground system available globally which combines these three technologies - UHF, radar and electro- magnetic - into one scalable system.” Andrew Trentelman, Becker Mining South Afri- ca, Ken Quick, Becker Mining South Africa and Max Brinckman, Becker Mining Systems AG. and comes with recording and analysis software to aid in problem diagnosis. In the words of Rudy Wodrich, IRISS VP of Engineering Services, “IRISS has always been focused on increasing elec- trical safety by performing closed panel inspections using Infrared, but we have also long recognised the value of Ultra- sound as a tool for preventative mainte- nance. We are very proud to bring the SONUS XT product to a market which has been underserved in recent years. SONUS XT fits well into our broader strat- egy of teaching our client base to perform more surveillance and less maintenance.” Enquiries:Tel. +27 (0) 11 608 1551 or visit www.randci.co.za or email info@randci.co.za
Handheld Ultrasound Device detects early signs of impending malfunction
In conjunction with Infrared inspection, Ultrasound can form the basis of an ex- cellent Condition Based Maintenance program. Ultrasound detection can be used to find anomalies in electrical equip- ment including arcing, tracking and coro- na that are indicators of premature insula- tion breakdown and imminent equipment failure. The Sonus XT is a handheld Ultra- sound Detector with accessories for mul- tiple types of inspections and apart from electrical inspections, can also be used to save energy via inspections and finding leaks and component malfunctions on compressed air, steam and vacuum sys- tems. In addition, the Sonus XT can be used to diagnose early signs of mechan- ical system failures including motor and bearing problems. By listening for noise in the ultrasound spectrum (40 kHz), Sonus XT allows users to quickly and eas- ily identify problems and determine cor- rective action. On energy savings alone, the Sonus XT will typically pay for itself within the first 30 days. The Sonus XT, ultrasound detector, empowers users to perform Preventative Maintenance inspections on their critical electrical and mechanical equipment. The Sonus XT is a very robust handheld unit
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