Electricity + Control February 2016
No more inferior cable straps Costly water-cooled power cables and coils used in furnace ap- plications are vulnerable to corrosion and overheating if they are insufficiently clamped into place. Induction heating and foundry specialist ABP has eliminated these risks over the past two decades since using Band-It stainless steel strapping products on its power cable range. Water-cooled power cables are used to transfer electricity and cooling water to the furnace, with considerable dynamic forces exerted on the cables by the flowing current.With high replacement costs, ABP Inductions general manager Byron McCall states that a high-quality clamp is essential to ensuring that the cables supplied to customers perform at optimal efficiency. “ABP cables are manu- factured in Europe and locally. We supply and repair a fair amount per month for local operations. Each cable requires six clamps. As a result, we cannot afford to use an inferior clamp. Band-It’s heat and corrosion-resistant, non-magnetic Stainless Steel Band and Buckle are ideal for packaging, securing and transporting the cables, which are protected from heat stress and water damage,” he says. Banding & ID Solutions Africa distributes and manufactures Band-It stainless steel strapping and buckles under license from USA-based Band-It-Idex, a world leader in quality engineered band clamping and fastening solutions. Business manager Rosa Remen- dos says: “The stainless steel clamping system is easy to install and remove, and creates a close-knit and tidy packaging. It is available in various sizes, making it suitable for cables of all diameters.” ABP recently built a coil for a sweet factory and used about 130 m of banding clamping to hold the coil in position. Enquiries:Tel. 27(0)11 974 0425 or email rosa.remendos@banding.co.za
Faster automated cable identification The Wrapto Wire ID Printer Applicator is a great tool to control manufacturing cost and enhance identification quality. In less than 5 seconds, theWraptor prints and applies labels around wires and thus eliminates the need to print labels in advance and the time needed to apply them by hand.TheWraptor’s technology enables 300 dpi prints for barcodes, logos and diagrams, and a tight label wrap around the wire, withminimal bubbling or wrinkling.Without any adjustments, the Wraptor can identify cables from 1,52 mm up to 15,24 mm in diameter and apply labels with varying widths up to 50,8 mm, and lengths between 19,05 mm and 76,20 mm. A versatile tool, the Wraptor can easily be transported to different workstations to identify a great variety of cables. Coupled with Brady LabelMark software for easy label design, barcoding and serialisation, the Wraptor becomes a highly practical process ef- ficiency increaser, even more so when integrated with Schleuniger Cut and Strip Machines. Enquiries: Brady. Email emea_request@bradycorp.com
Identify every cable & component with the BBP™12 Label Printer!
Brady’s new BBP™12 Label Printer prints durable self- laminating labels, wrap-around labels, sleeves, cable flags & tags, terminal block, breaker box and patch panel labels. Don’t miss your chance to get the free guide “Identify any Cable or Component”!
Contact us & Request the Free Guide
www.bradyeurope.com/cableID T: +27 11 704 3295 F: +27 86 501 7775 E: emea_request@bradycorp.com
BRADY South Africa 361 Olympic Duel, Northlands Business Park, Newmarket Road, Randburg
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