Electricity + Control February 2016
CRC – Cyclic Redundancy Check EDM – External Device Monitoring I/O – Input/Output IEC
– International Electrotechnical Commission
ISO – International Standards Organisation MTTFd – Mean Time To dangerous Failure PLC – Programmable Logic Controller PLr – Performance Level SIL – Safety Integration Level SRCS – Safety-Related Control Systems URS – User Requirement Specification
functions and then building these modules into safety loops, creates a clear and unambiguous statement. In broad terms, typical safety loops can be grouped into the following (the list is not definitive): • E-Stop o Zoning o Class of stop function (break for free run) • Access Control o Physical restraint with interlock or guard locking
• Avoiding excessive or cumbersome management plans • Modular approach to functional design specification (URS) • Recording the verification process • Recording the validation process using the URS Other subsidiary topics for discussion are: • Detecting and final control Elements o The rise of programmable ormore accurately 'parameterable' (if that’s a word) elements presents its own set of challenges o Traditional detecting and final elements had a dedicated single function. It did exactly ‘what it said on the tin’ o These elements continue to develop with self-teach func- tions, floating muting, profile for safe minimum speed, etc. o One must take care that with all the available flexibility, that the required safety function is being executed • Areas of most frequent sub-standard design
• Presence sensing • Muting or Bypass o Safe speed
o Hold to run / Jog
• Process interlock
o Hazard materials
Rather than specifying the detail function of each complete safety loop, of which there may be several hundred in a large complex project, one chooses the modules that make up the loop. Some of the benefits to this type of development are: • Avoids repetition of stating the same function in each safety loop • Transparent to the hardware or software platform being used • Diagrammatic format tends towards a clear, and unambiguous definition • A revision of a module does not require it to be exhaustively revised in every loop. Change it once at the module definition and it is referenced to wherever it is called
Figure 2: Areas of most frequent sub-standard design.
These figures are not based on recorded statistics, but from observa- tion of many projects. The high error rate for final control elements, is mainly due to non-safe rated components in a safety loop without sufficient diagnostics, redundancy or insufficient Mean Time To dangerous Failure (MTTFd). Modular User Requirement Specification On a large or more complex project, where there aremultiple suppliers of major sections of plant, in addition these suppliers may be fromdif- ferent countries with varying statuary regulation. This places greater emphasis the URS and the Safety Management Plan. Hypothetically, we are considering a project which covers many hundreds of square metres, several thousand I/O (regular control) and different complexes of machinery. It is a production process using a variety of complex machinery. We are discussing the delivery of the safety system for this. A modular approach to requirement specification of safety
Figure 3: Example E-Stop loop.
In the example the module Ref 1.1 E-Stop and the module Ref: 2.1 Reset are specified for this particular safety loop. The Ref: 1.1 E-Stop may be re used again and again in other E-Stop loops. All that changes are the tag names of the input elements and output elements.
February ‘16 Electricity+Control
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