Electricity + Control February 2018
‘One Altron’ Group high performance award For the second year running, ArrowAltech Distribution (AAD) has won the prestigious Most Improved Company award within the Altron Group at the annual ‘One Altron’ awards cere- mony that was held at the Inanda Club in Johannesburg on 9 November 2017. AAD, a leading distributor of electronic components and IoT computing products to the sub-Saharan Africa IoT and manufacturing market, achieved this award by delivering results in an increasingly competitive and price sensitive market place. To achieve this, AAD adapted its approach by adding to its core product offering, where components are provided on a ’quote-and-sell’ ba- sis, to include a core capability supply chain solution offering that is aimed at assisting custom- ers to reduce internal procurement complexity. ‘Our objective through end to end supply chain offerings with our core product offering is to assist our customers to reduce organisational management complexity freeing up time for core business activities such as instrument IP creation, industrialisation and manufacturing’, says AAD Managing Director, Peter Griffiths. Enquiries: Email CvanZyl@altron.com
Mteto Nyati (Altron Group CEO), Peter Griffiths (AAD Managing Director) and Alex Smith (Altron Group CFO.
Changes at the top
more than 200 instrument technicians and engineers to complete their training, and we have employed more than one third of them. Now is the time for a new person to take Endress+Hauser South Africa to the next level,” he says. “I of course am extremely pleased to be staying in the Endress+Hauser or- ganisation. This incredible company has become my home. Our vision is: " We are a successful family company. In lab- oratory and process automation, custom- ers around the world trust our products, solutions and services to improve their processes, and thus their products, sus- tainably” . This is a vision that I believe in. I still have family and friends in South Africa and I look forward to coming back when I get the opportunity”. Enquiries:Tel. +27 (0) 11 262 8002 or email rob.mackenzie@za.endress.com
In April 2018 Rob MacKenzie will be mov- ing to the Endress+Hauser head office in Reinach, Switzerland to take up the position of Corporate Director Sales Ex- cellence. After just more than 10 years as the Managing Director of the operation in South Africa he has been asked to head up the ‘Sales Excellence’ project and team for our global operation. “This is of course a very exciting op- portunity for me, and also for our organi- sation in South Africa. In this 10 year pe- riod we have built up an incredibly strong team of leaders and robust processes. I am the fourth Managing Director in the 38 year history of Endress+Hauser in South Africa and in these 38 years, while we have remained the market leader for process instrumentation in the region, we have built an organisation of more than 120 people, we have achieved a BB- BEE rating of Level 4, we have assisted
magnet group
banding solutions
smc pneumatics, jhb
Sizwe (Jomo) Mthabela, Junior Lighting Designer, Magnet Energy, Durban
Devashan Naidoo, External Sales Engineer, Magnet Electrical Supplies, Durban
Rosa Dos Remendos, Sales Director
Werner Meijers, IT Support Analyst
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