Electricity + Control January 2015
Transportable device calibrates many types of electronic equipment
The Comtest Group, Fluke 's authorised Test and Measurement Distributor for South and southern Africa, has introduced the Fluke 5522A multi-product calibrator which is specifically designed to improve the capabilities of calibration laboratories across all industries. The 5522A, based on Fluke’s top-seller 5520A series calibrator, aims to provide daily service both inside and outside of the calibration lab because it is durable enough to be safely transported for on-site or mobile calibration of a wide variety of electronic test tools. The Fluke 5522A is ideal for metrology engineers, technicians and lab manag- ers who need to calibrate many different types of electronic equipment and require a transportable instrument that delivers a The HVI Conductor is a high-voltage-resistant, insu- lated down conductor from DEHN . Unlike conven- tional lightning protection systems, which must be adapted if photovoltaic or air-conditioning systems are subsequently installed on the roof, the insulated lightning protection based on HVI Conductors is both durable and sustainable and can remain as it stands. When using conventional lightning protection systems, it is often not possible to maintain the nec- essary separation distances, but this is no problem with the HVI Conductor thanks to its unique design and special sheath. The lightning current carrying conductor of the HVI Conductor is wrapped with insulating material in such a way that the required separation distance from other conductive parts of the building, electric lines and pipes is maintained.
high return on operators’ capital invest- ment. For a single calibrator, the Fluke 5522A gives the flexibility to calibrate a wide range of instruments and can be fully automated with MET/CAL Plus Calibration Management Software for greater produc- tivity. Several reliability-enhancing features protect it against damage andmake it easier to transport for on-site or mobile calibration. Internal circuits and fuses protect against damage caused by applying too much volt- age or current. Front and rear access doors are remova- ble and the 5522A can be used while its top, bottom and side panels remain protected, all without having to completely unpack and re-pack the calibrator. A redesigned front panel and carrying handles make it easy
to transport the calibrator short distances within the lab. Enquiries:Val Verwer.Tel. 011 608 8520 or email info@comtest.co.za
HV-resistant, insulated down conductor
The coaxial conductor consists of an inner copper conductor with a high-voltage-resistant thick-walled insulation and a weather-resistant semi-conductive special outer sheath.Thus, creeping flashover along the surface of the conductor is prevented. The HVI Conductor is easy to install, as it has variable sealing ends. Tools, such as the HVI strip, further facilitate installation. The HVI Conductor is an ideal solution for external lightning protection systems on a wide range of applications; from residential and industrial buildings, to wind turbines, photovoltaic systems, biogas plants, mobile phone antennas and systems of the process industry with hazardous areas such as gas compressor stations and oil rigs. Enquiries: Alexis Barwise.Tel. 011 704 1487 or email alexis.barwise@dehn-africa.com
Protection relay with advanced control features
NewCode is a three-phase motor protection relay with seven in- puts of differential voltages from 24 to 220V ac or dc and four fully programmable output contacts as standard. The relay caters for the low voltage motor protection market and provides advanced protection and control features.The ISO 9001:2000 compliant relay has a user-friendly operation, advanced LED indications for I/Os, fault indication, relay address and infrared data communications. NewCode provides thermal overload, over and under voltage and voltage symmetry protection, as well as frequency, power factor and power dissipation measurement. More advanced features including starter logic and logic function blocks which, coupled with its com- munication options, make the NewCode relay an ideal solution for plant protection and automation. The three–phase recorder allows the user to record the motor currents, voltages, thermal capacity and power factor. The motor performance can be monitored and analysed in real time. This is particularly useful when tripping occurs for no obvious reason.The
recorder alleviates to some degree the need for sophisticated equip- ment to be carried around the plant. NewCode has a non-volatile and volatile memory. The non-volatile memory contains a boot loader program which is used to upload the operating software program of the relay. The uploading is done from a personal computer or laptop via the USB port. This feature also enables the user to do future software upgrades without factory assistance. Enquiries: Email sales@newelec.co.za or visit www.newelec.co.za
Electricity+Control January ‘15
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