Electricity + Control January 2017
Universal isolator – 400 calibrated measuring ranges
Tilt sensor with shock compensation Sensor specialist FSG presents new PE-MEMS…/GS70 series tilt angle sensors for monitoring the inclination of construc- tion machinery and measuring tilt angles on ship platforms, working platforms or oil and gas rigs.The two-axis devices fea- ture the proven MEMS technology (micro-electromechanical measuring systems) and ensure high-precision, redundant measurements. An additional gyroscope compensates me- chanical shock. GS70 sensors gauge x-axis and y-axis angles in a measuring range of ±60° and achieve accuracies between ±0,05° and ±0,3° depending on angle range. The housing is made from passivated aluminium.The devices are designed for a temperature range between -40°C and +80°C and meet all technical safety requirements according to the IEC stand- ards 61508 (SIL 2) and EN 13849 (PLD). GS70 sensors are available for cable connection with IP68 ingress protection or with a plug connector and IP67 ingress protection. A CAN bus interface supports CANopen and the CANopen safety protocol for signal output. Mecosa is the sole agent for FSG Fernsteuergeräte in South Africa. Enquiries:Tel. +27 (0) 11 257 6100 or email measure@mecosa.co.za
‘When very good is good enough’ – with this commendation, high-endmanufacturer Knick presents its new BasicLine isolation amplifiers which allow for extensive use in economically sensitive large-volume installations thanks to an optimised price/ performance ratio.The BL 570 isolator sup- ports reliable current and voltagemeasure- ment as well as standard signal conversion. The multi-talent is also suitable for measuring bipolar direct currents/voltages and enables individual adjustment of any measured voltage ranges between ±20 mV
and ±200 V. Currents up to 100 mA can be measured directly. Larger cur- rents are picked up via an external shunt resistor. The BL 570 features more than 400 factory-calibrated switchable measuring ranges that cover most practical scenarios – readjustments are not necessary. Featuring an offset correction function, it can even convert signals with an offset into standard signals. Thanks to an integrated wide-range power supply the isolator can be operated both at 24 Vdc supplies and 100..230 Vac mains supplies globally. Strictly concentrating on basic functions, leaving all ex- tras aside, Knick has tailored BasicLine devices to mechanical engineering companies that need precise and reliable yet cost-optimised isolators for large-scale applications. Notwithstanding the attractive price scheme, the devices feature Knick’s characteristic high level of manufacturing quality and precision as well as complete galvanic isolation. Mecosa is the sole agent for Knick Elektronische Messgeräte in Southern Africa. Enquiries:Tel. +27 (0) 11 257 6100 or email measure@mecosa.co.za
PE-MEMS…/GS70 series tilt angle sensors from FSG with shock compensation
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