Electricity + Control January 2017
SPS IPC Drives Expo
PROFIBUS and PROFINET International, the ODVA and the FDT Group were present again at the SPS IPC Drives Expo in Nurem- berg.The international trade fair for electri- cal automation, systems and components took place from 22 – 24 November 2016 and encompassed the entire spectrum of automation technology. Endress+Hauser experts have been present on various user organisation stands.The umbrella organisa- tion PROFIBUS and PROFINET International participated in the Expo. Endress+Hauser PROFIBUS and PROFINET devices as well as their integration into Siemens’ systems Turck is adding variants with a Ø4 mm sen- sor probe to its range of weld nut sensors. This makes the detection of missingM5 nuts before welding even simpler.Turck has also improved the abrasion resistance of its weld nut sensors with optional titanium nitride coatings (TiN). As steel plates and nuts have to be placed onto these sensors before welding, they are exposed to a high degree of friction over their entire service life. The TiN coating offers protection against wear, scratches and accumulated welding spatter. The sensors offer the user a favourable
stration model impressively demonstrated how EtherNet/IP components could be seamlessly integrated into well-established systems. Enquiries: Email suanne.willemse@za.endress.com
were on show on a newly designed demon- stration wall. Additional highlights were the gateway Fieldgate SFG500 and FieldCare, Endress+Hauser’s software tool for device configuration and plant asset management. Typical use cases, which demonstrate the advantages of digital communication, com- pleted the presentation. Endress+Hauser’s growing EtherNet/IP device portfolio was demonstrated as a working application, cleaning in place (CIP), typical for the Food and Beverage and Life Sciences industries, which was showcased on the ODVA stand. A multi-vendor demon- and reliable way of checking the correct seating of weld nuts.The work piece and the weld nut required for welding are placed on the new sensor probe. Alternative ways of checking the presence of nuts using laser sensors or camera technology are consider- ably more complex and also more prone to faults. Unlike these alternatives, the weld nut sensors are easy to install and can be config- ured to detect the nuts with just a few button presses of the associated teach adapter.The weld nut sensors and pigtail cables are also weld resistant. In addition to theTiN-coated
Weld nut sensor detects M5 nuts
variants,Turck is also still offering the weld nut sensors in conventional stainless steel or brass housings.The various designs are used to detect nuts with M5 to M20 threads. Enquiries: RET Automation Controls. BrandonTopham. Email brandon.topham@retautomation.com
Fastest, most flexible RFID ifm RFID systems are optimised for quality assurance and produc- tion control, e.g. for identifying tools or monitoring production steps. What used to be written in the documents accompanying the goods is now stored on electronic transponders. The new DTE103 evaluation unit with EtherCAT – which is the fastest Ethernet technology with exceptional performance.The free network topology flexibly adapts to the plant structure. Switches and hubs are not required.This saves costs. The devices can be exchanged during operation.This ensures a high plant uptime.The automatic address allocation simplifies set- up and device replacement. Specialist IT knowledge is not required. Enquiries:Tel: +27 (0) 12 450 0400 or email info.za@ifm.com
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