Electricity + Control January 2018


Conclusion The thousands of tests conducted, and their as- sociated failures and successes, have led us to believe, with confidence, that pressure, which is the most precious commodity in base-load power generation, can now be harvested in its raw form from the roads and we do not have to mine and burn our mineral resources to create it. We believe that when we eventually achieve better efficiency, through either innovative combi- nations of existing materials or formulation of new purpose-made materials or both, than the current 0,81% efficiency then this system may prove to be a major breakthrough in power generation. We move into 2018 with the knowledge that we will definitely face more challenges than we did in 2017, but we have no doubt that if we keep our problem-solving network expanding quicker than the challenges we face we will certainly stay a step or two ahead. When we achieve that, we will reach our goal of commercialising this ambi- tious system by the end of 2018. Could roads be the major missing humming bird effect from the invention of the wheel?We believe so and our empirical research provides irrefutable incremental evidence that this is the case. For centuries, we have spent trillions destroy- ing this planet, but with a change of perspective we have a shot at saving our trillions and our be- loved planet.

• How is the system affected by the Law of Con- servation of Energy (LCE)? The system works and gets affected by the LCE in the horizon- tal plane. However, our results cannot be ex- plained exclusively in terms of the LCE or the other thermodynamics laws. For instance, the pressure spikes that increase with the weight of the vehicle are independent of the LCE but can be explained through equilibrium in the vertical plane. As a result, we see this project as not being a purely mechanical and electri- cal project but it also fuses some aspects of structural engineering particularly the influence lines theory. It is when we view this project in that context that its potential can be fully ap- preciated and not dismiss it solely on the basis of horizontal plane energy balance considera- tions. • Will it increase the rolling resistance of the ve- hicles on the roads? Yes it will, and we must also note that all the hills scattered along our roads have exactly the same effect with very little benefit. However, for the trial period we aim to install the system on the road down- hills and where vehicles are expected to slow down so that the system could aid the slowing down process. We will use this to gather suffi- cient data and assess the actual impact on the coefficient of rolling resistance to guide the fu- ture installation decisions.

"I was born and raised in the Free State and studied Civil En- gineering at Wits University. My greatest passion and mission are the re-engineering of tradi- tional civil engineering functions towards redressing the social ills – it actually feels like a calling. To this

effect I have found EPWP and SMME Develop- ment with lots of ingenuity to be truly great tools for poverty eradication, mentorship and employ- ment creation; as engineers, I believe, this is what we are called to do. To advance this mission, in 2009 I founded and manage a civil engineering consultancy firm, Epitome Consulting, with a total staff compliment of 30 employees. We are very different in that the business model epitomises my personal mission and we create employment, provide skills and mentorship to disadvantaged in- dustry entrants – it is painful and frustrating at the best of times; but highly rewarding at the same time. We believe that we are truly making a dif- ference where it really matters!” Enquiries: Email clement@vehs.co.za or visit www.vehs.co.za

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