Electricity + Control January 2018
World’s smallest pressure transmitter
A-to-D conversion, current consumption is ~ 1,5 mA, dropping to ~ 0,1 μA in ‘idle’ mode. The supply voltage range of 1,8…3,6 Vdc corresponds to a normal microprocessor environment. With a diameter of just 1 mm, the Series 4 LD is the smallest of four versions. Larger models measuring 15 mm, 17 mm and 19 mm in diameter are also available for relative pressure measurements: they offer an additional temperature range (-40°C…+ 110°C) with- out changes to the electrical characteristics. Enquiries:Tel: +27 (0) 10 595 1831 or email sales@instrotech.co.za
Keller, leading manufacturer of measuring technology such as iso- lated pressure transducers and transmitters - represented in south- ern Africa by Instrotech – has on offer the smallest fully functional digital combination transmitter for pressure and temperature cur- rently available on the market, the Series 4 LD. Measuring a mere 11 mm in diameter (the same length as a worker bee), the housing contains the sensor technology, the (mathematical) compensation coefficients, the digital signal processing as well as the I2C inter- face for simple, loss-free integration into higher-level systems. Made of stainless steel, the housing not only acts as a Fara- day cage but also offers appropriate pro¬tection against electro- magnetic radiation and all potential environmental influences. All the electronic components are accommodated in a laser-welded stainless steel housing filled with silicone oil. Keller’s Chip-in-Oil techno¬logy means extremely short signal paths with exceptional- ly high impact and vibration resistance. Nine standard measurement ranges extend from 1 to 1000 bar abs. with a compensated temperature range of -10°C…+ 80°C. Ac- curacy is rated as better than ± 0,15 % FS, and a total error band of less than ± 0,5%FS is attained between 0…50°C. The tempera- ture measurement accuracy is ± 2 K. Transmitters in the LD series are optimized for battery-powered applications, for example, during GHM Messtechnik South Africa supplies industrial electronics that meet the ever increasing requirements by industry for all systems and components involved in the production process. Their preci- sion instrumentation reduces downtime whilst maximising pro- cess efficiencies. “The cost savings and associated competitive ability of our in- dustrial electronics plays an important role when our customers are considering the modernisation of existing machinery or processes. We believe that GHM Messtechniek’s specialised instrumentation easily addresses these concerns as a result of our continued in- vestment into state-of-the-art research and development meth- odology and production processes” said Jan Grobler, Managing
Specialised industrial electronics
Director for GHM Messtechnik based in Alberton. The upcoming Industry 4.0 industry programme requires a deeper focus on better integration of customer requirements. Throughout the value chain process values in production processes will have to be combined without any loss of information that is relevant to users on site. Grobler added “Through in-depth knowledge of our customer’s ever evolving requirements, GHM Messtechnik constantly enhanc- es its ranges of specialised industrial instrumentation in order to supply highly efficient devices and systems for the next industrial revolution”. Enquiries: Jan Grobler.Tel. +27 (0) 11 902 0158 or email info@ghm-sa.co.za
24/7 Machine Condition Monitoring on a shoestring budget
By continuously monitoring the health of critical equipment, expensive catastrophic
failure, unplanned downtime and injuries can be minimised. A comprehensive sys- tem of monitoring and analysis however, can be very complicated and expensive. Smaller operators often just want to know when failure is looming, to allow for time- ous investigation and corrective action. R&C Instrumentation has identified this need and designed the BCM-1601 Bearing Condition Monitor. This is an affordable, stand-alone, permanent monitoring sys- tem, incorporating vibration and tempera- ture sensing.The system provides LCD dis-
play, alarm and 4-20 mA retransmission of both the vibration and temperature levels sensed. The ranges and alarm set points are user programmable and the 4-20 mA retransmission allows for later integration into PLC/SCADA or other computerised aids for more comprehensive analysis should the need arise in the future. In conclusion, the basic system pro- vides valuable protection at low cost, while at the same time allowing for expansion as the operation grows. Enquiries: Email info@randci.co.za
Electricity + Control
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