Electricity + Control July 2016



Launch of new rangeVSDs

Schneider Electric has announced the availability of its Altivar Machine range of Variable Speed Drives (VSDs), with the Altivar 320 leading the line-up of new drives for machine manufacturers in Southern Africa.This machine range builds on Schneider’s leader- ship and expertise in machine drives and is designed specifically for machine manufacturers, with benefits including: Improved machine performance: The Altivar Machine range matches a variety of machine throughput requirements with the following features: • Open-loop motor control with torque sensitive operation, even at low speed and dynamic accuracy for start/stop applications • Closed-loop motor control for applications requiring velocity sensitive operation or precise positioning • Advanced connectivity with automation architecture via all common fieldbuses, even in real-time, with fast task cycle times Extended machine availability: The Altivar Machine range vari- able speed drives carry on their predecessors’ tradition of robust- ness and reliability.They are designed to provide • Continuous machine operation in harsh environments with high

levels of ambient temperature, dust, electrical interruptions, or mechanical disturbances • Maximised machine operating time, as production changes, maintenance, safety diagnostics, network configuration, and system integration can all to be accomplished quickly Reduced total machine cost: TheAltivar Machine range reduces the overall cost of machines with: • Reduced installation costs, with both book and compact form factors reducing machine footprint, whether mounted in a machine frame or electrical cabinet • Fewer additional devices needed to manage machine safety and repeated sequential movements, as both are managed internally within the drive • Reduced engineering and design time thanks to ready-to-use, PLCopen-compliant libraries and tested, validated, documented architectures (TVDAs) available through Schneider Electric’s MachineStruxure solutions Enquiries: Luthando Makiwane. Email luthando.makiwane@schneider-electric.com

Back-channel cooling Variable Speed Drives (VSDs) have proven to be one of the most effective ways of reducing power consumption of motors, which report- edly account for about two-thirds of industrial electricity usage. Additional and significant reductions in consumption can be attained through ensur- ing that VSDs are installed with ‘back-channel cooling’: an innovative technological application which is being led in South Africa by RTSAfrica Engineering . Back-channel cooling offers a cost-effective way of ensuring that the temperatures within VSDs do not reach levels which risk shortening the life of these devices. The drives are often located in machine control centres (MCCs) or similar locations which provide appropriate protections, but may become very hot through the combined effects of ambient temperature and the heat generated by VSDs. Traditionally, site engineers have coped with this problem by installing large air conditioners that cooled the air in MCCs. With back-channel cooling, however, ambient air from outside the control centre is channelled through a VSD, over the heat sink of the device, then vented out from the MCC. “The critical point here is that the channelled air does not have to be cooled.The steady flow of air over the heat sink keeps theVSD at ambi- ent temperature, which is normally quite accept- able: the drive does not actually need to be kept at a cooler temperature,” explains Ian Fraser, Managing Director of RTS Africa Engineering. Enquiries: Email info@rtsafrica.co.za


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