Electricity + Control July 2017
Launch of Earthing and Lightning Protection Association (ELPA)
which we achieve through certification and compliance, all united under one umbrella body which brings together experts and inter- ested parties from various areas of the lightning protection arena.” Professor Ian Jandrell, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment at Wits, said in his keynote address, “The facts showcase the obvious need for an industry body such as ELPA, which needs to assist with education and awareness in general, including among consumers and the general public, and should also play a role in improving the technical competency within the industry, in particular that of installers and contractors.” Barwise explained that the formal establishment of ELPA is an important addition to the standard of safety in the South African lightning and protection industry, as the association will offer cer- tification of qualified designers, installers and inspectors, with the support of the Department of Labour, Wits University, the Electri- cal Contractors Association of South Africa (ECA), the South Afri- can Institute of Electrical Engineers (SAIEE) and others. This will
ELPA was formed to protect consumers, establish a uniform in- terpretation of the codes of practice, and help to regulate and ad- vise the lightning protection industry. ELPA was established as a non-profit organisation of voluntary membership. Chairman of ELPA, Alexis Barwise, said at the launch held at Wits University on 19 July 2017: “When we compare the annual statistics for lightning deaths in South Africa to the numbers of deaths from shark attacks, we could expect a maximum of ten or fewer recorded deaths from unprovoked shark attacks in our waters every year [1]. Shark nets in the waters off our beaches, as well as people on shore who are acting as shark spotters, are quite common around our world-famous coastline and yet statistically, far fewer people are killed by sharks annually than by lightning. “I believe that the same vigilance, attention and resources should be applied to protecting people from lightning, and this is the primary reason for ELPA’s formation. We acknowledge the need to protect life as well as property. This requires certainty,
have positive repercussions for the building of both residential and corporate structures and there is an intention to further assist reg- ulation and claims in the insurance industry.” Reference [1] University of Florida: For a five-year period from 2011- 2015, South Africa averaged 4.8 incidents and 1.4 deaths per year with annual highs of eight attacks and three deaths in a year: https://www.floridamuseum.ufl.edu/fish/ isaf/worldwide-summary/
Enquiries: Claudelle PillayTel. +27 (0) 11 704 1487 or email info@elpasa.org.za
Alexis Barwise (ELPA Chairman),Trevor Manas and keynote speaker, Prof Ian Jandrell (Dean of theWits University Engineering and Built Environment faculty) at the launch of ELPA which took place at Wits University on the morning of 19 July 2017.
Bearings International (BI), Hudaco Group
Tectra Automation
Grové Dicks, Sales Manager, Gauteng
Widor Grobbelaar, Financial Director
42 Electricity + Control
JULY 2017
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