Electricity + Control July 2019
FEATURES: · Industry 4.0+ IIoT · Energymanagement+ environmental engineering
· Control valves+ actuators · Flowmeasurement+ instrumentation · Drives,motors+ switchgear
There is hope
W e have just heard that the South African GDP fell by 3.2% – the largest quarterly fall since 2009, when you will recall the global economy hit a bit of a snag… But hot on top of that, we hear that the manufacturing sector has actually shown growth in output of over 4.5% year on year. There is hope. It may not be much – but it is something. Obviously growth after contraction is not always as rosy a situation as one might desire, but nevertheless, there is growth. The word is not commonly used in the context of either our industry, or our economy! The GDP fall of 3.2% was larger than that anticipated by some, but was generally in line with expectations after a torrid decade in the economy – which stuttered along at best, lurching as it were from one crisis to the next (and often, it would seem, self-inflicted crises). All of this means very little, of course, if so much of the uncertainty still clouding the economy is not deftly dispelled. But let’s stick with the ‘there is hope’ slogan for a while … In amongst all of this varied news, a highlight was the running of the Africa Automation Fair. The fair is timed to allow some of the latest technologies and solutions from the Hannover Fair to be highlighted in South Africa – and by extension southern Africa – timing which I think is important. I remain firmly convinced that we must generally be early adopters if we are serious about competing internationally. While I was simply not able to get there, many of my spies were! And I was actually quite encouraged by the feedback I received.
In general it does seem that the spirit was positive and the exhibitors were bullish. Perhaps not surprising given the conclusion of yet another peaceful election here, but nevertheless, a sense that some of the weight was lifting seemed evident. Although there were differing views, with some exhibitors being quite critical, there seems to have been a fairly significant proportion who felt that the people visiting the fair were the ‘right’ people – serious attenders with real challenges and real budgets. Again – a very positive indicator to my mind. Crown Publications was also there and I received equally encouraging feedback from our staff. In particular, it remains clear that the content of the magazines is sought after, and in fact desired by far more people than those currently on our database. We are working hard to attend to this need. I also received excellent feedback from the Editor of Electricity+Control , Leigh Darroll, who was able to conduct a number of formal interviews with some of the exhibitors. These interviews are published in this issue, and I would encourage you to reflect on what emerges from them. Clearly, it is not technology alone that drives our industry. And it is not technology alone that defines its success.
energy + information in industry
EC July 2019 cover.indd 1
6/26/2019 1:12:15PM
Aberdare Cables , a long-established South African manufacturer of low and medium voltage electric cables, recently announced its new range of high voltage cables. (Read more on page 11).
Editor: Design & Layout: Advertising Managers:
Leigh Darroll Adél JvR Bothma Helen Couvaras
Heidi Jandrell Karen Smith
Circulation: Editorial Technical Director: Publisher: Deputy Publisher:
Ian Jandrell Karen Grant Wilhelm du Plessis
Circulation: Quarter 1 (Jan – Mar) 2019 Total print circulation: 5 192
Publisher of the year 2018 (Trade Publications)
Published monthly by:
Crown Publications cc Cnr Theunis and Sovereign Sts, Bedford Gardens PO Box 140, Bedfordview 2008 Tandym Print
Printed by:
Telephone: E-mail:
+27 (0) 11 622 4770 e-mail: ec@crown.co.za admin@crown.co.za www.crown.co.za
Electricity+Control is supported by
Electricity+Control Magazine
The views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of thepublisher, theeditor,SAAEs,SAEE, CESA, IESSAor theCopperDevelopmentAssociationAfrica
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